Make sure the dose of mineral is not large but safe enough, so you will get the benefits of Argentum nitricum such as: Some researchers claim that Argentum nitricum doesn’t work to reduce anxiety, especially for the students in university when they are having examinations. Angina pectoris, intense pain in chest and about heart, can hardly breathe. Antidoted by: Nat-m. (chemical and dynamic), Ars., Milk. Violent attacks of pain at irregular intervals, patient rolls on floor, descending colon tender to touch, tapeworm-like stool passes. Lower Limbs. The sight of high buildings makes him giddy and causes him to stagger, it seems as if houses on both sides of street would approach and crush him. Les approches complémentaires de la pharyngite. Pain in hypochondria. Fever. Skin brown, tense, and hard. Zona. Rheumatic pain in left wrist. Apathy. Momentarily blind with mental confusion, buzzing in ears, nausea, trembling. Expanding sensation, especially in face, in head, with feeling as if bones of skull separated, with increase of temperature. Violent itching, obliged to rub until it looks raw. Characteristics. Burning in spot in anterior of rectum (prostate gland). Seek Answers Here, Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Pomelo for Pregnant Woman. Chilliness and nausea. At eleven AM. Headache, with chilliness. After yawning, feeling as if stomach would burst, wind presses upwards, but the oesophagus feels spasmodically closed, hence an ineffectual effort to eructate, with excessive strangulation, pressing pain in stomach, faintish nausea, confluence of water in the mouth and inability to stir, the paroxysm ceased after a quarter of an hour, amidst frequent and violent outrush of wind. Defective coordination. Their anxiety, pulse, as well as blood pressure were being measured. Gonorrhea. Urine burning while passing, urethra feels as if swollen. Weight as of a stone in middle of sternum. Prematurely old look. Suffocative cough at noon. One of the health benefits of argentum nitricum is to relieve headache, since it also happens along with vomiting or nausea. The researchers were recruited 40 students older than 18 with the same exam. Fullness, heaviness, and distension with anxiety. Micturition more frequent, burning in urethra. La pharyngite granuleuse ou "pharyngite chronique hyperplasique" est une forme de pharyngite chronique qui se caractérise par un épaississement particulier de la muqueuse qui prend un aspect granuleux, rouge pâle à gris, avec des dilatations veineuses pharyngées. Vertigo, with headache. Throat, affections of. Trituration and solution. Melancholic, does not undertake anything lest he should not succeed. All symptoms worse before and during menses. Tongue white and moist. The condition may happen because of anxiety and anticipation. Impetigo. Chilly down back, at noon, extending from occiput to tip of coccyx up back and over shoulder. Antidotes to Nit-ac. E. P. Brewer (Hahn. Advanced dysentery, with suspected ulceration. Sight and eyes seem to suffer as abdominal sufferings increase. Nervous, faintish, and tremulous sensation. Chancre. Voici quelques solutions proposées pour lutter contre la pharyngite et de soulager l’inflammation et les douleurs qu’elle entraine. Heat worse, but there is also worse from uncovering, aversion to uncovering. (Sulph., Caust.) During pregnancy, stomach as if it would burst with wind, head feels expanded. Par ailleurs, si la pharyngite débute brutalement et qu’elle s’accompagne de fièvre et d’importantes douleurs, prendre Belladonna associée à Pyrogénium (« antibiotique homéopathique ») à raison d’une dose en 7 CH par jour. © 2020 National Center for Homeopathy. Burning in one spot in anterior wall of rectum (probably in prostrate gland). The condition is one of the conditions that can be treated with argentum nitricum, moreover it can danger overall health. Papillae prominent, erect, feeling sore, tip of tongue red and painful. Epilepsy. Quick urging to urinate, frequent and copious emission of pale urine. Orgasms at night. r. In a proving by myself one of the most marked symptoms was a kind of numb sensitiveness of the skin of the arms – a hyperesthetic-anesthetic state, increased sensitiveness to contact, but diminished power of distinguishing sensations. Eating ices. Pain in small of back, worse rising from sitting, better standing or walking. Intestinal catarrh with shreddy membranous discharges is often cured by Arg-n. A mental peculiarity is one of apprehension and fear: when ready to go to church, etc., diarrhoea sets in. Wart-shaped excrescences. Charitable Solicitations Registration In complaints from pressure of clothes, like Calc., Bry., Caust., Lyc., Sars., Stann. Staggers on stooping, on shutting eyes. Pour lutter contre la pharyngite la phytothérapie propose de réaliser des gargarismes d’infusions (violette ou guimauve), avec du miel de romarin, du vinaigre de cidre et de l’eau tiède, du citron et du sel ou encore de la propolis. According to those studies, it can be concluded that the benefit of Argentum nitrium as a treatment for anxiety is questionable, but the treatment you can read in benefits mimulus for anxiety, benefits of gaba supplements for anxiety and benefits of st johns wort for anxiety. Ulcers: mercurial, syphilitic, and scrofulous. Epileptic attacks caused by fright, or during menstruation (at night, or in the morning when rising). Dark red appearance of uvula and fauces. Pour les douleurs du pharynx rendant pénible la déglutition, prendre Apis mellifica. Sommeil : comment bien dormir en période de confinement ? In poisoning cases complete loss of consciousness, insensibility, and convulsions have occurred. Clinical. Gnawing pain in the left side of the stomach. Sensation of splinters in various parts, especially in mucous membranes. "Stool turning green after remaining on diaper." Or you can also read how to prevent diarrhea. De même, il est possible d'utiliser l’échinacée en teinture-mère ou Ribes nigrum MG (macérât glycériné) 1 DH. Hands tremble. Similar to: Arg-m. (Arg-m. acts on cartilages, Arg-n. more on mucous membranes, skin, bone, and periosteum, and is suited to herpetic patients), to Aur., Cupr., Kali-bi., Lach., Merc., Merc-c., Merc-i., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Thuj. Gastric ulcer. Awakens at midnight with oppression at stomach, as from a heavy lump, inducing vomiting, in the morning throws up glairy mucus, which can be drawn into strings. Most gastric complaints are accompanied by violent belching. However, when the constipation is getting worse, it is better to consult a doctor. Bluish-black eruption, (in scarlet fever). Causation. Pressure in back at night. Mental strain and worry. Scarlet fever. Stitches in left frontal eminence. Prevented falling asleep by fancies and images. Violent cramps and pain in muscles of chest. Arg-n. has irresistible desire for sugar, which at the same time worse. Pain in calves all night, weary as after a long journey. Emaciation. "Stool shreddy, red, green muco-lymph or epithelial substance." Argentum nitricum has the ability to treat diarrhea, just like other digestive problems. Pain in left shoulder and arm. Sweetish-bitter taste. Some nervous disorders are associated with a stroke or brain injury even epilepsy or multiple sclerosis. Urethra swollen, hard, knotty, painful. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire à tout moment en utilisant le lien de désabonnement intégré Thick phlegm in mouth. Small spots between xiphoid and navel sensitive to slightest pressure, pains radiate in all directions. Monthly, July, 1883) has recorded a proving, (the prover, a young man, taking on three consecutive days one grain a day of Arg-n. triturated with sugar of milk), in which a number of motor and sensory symptoms were elicited, reminding Dr. Ptyalism. Opacity of the cornea, ulceration of cornea in infants. Better Bending double. Burning in chest, sensation of warmth between scapulae and sternum. Pain in left side of stomach below true ribs, worse during inspiration and on touching the parts. All Rights Reserved. Most symptoms are worse night, very nervous at night. Sleep. Lower extremities (loins, sacrum, and particularly gastrocnemii) fatigued, as if they would suddenly fail him. Lying on right side causes pains in abdomen, palpitation. Scrawny, feeble, dried-up-looking women. Staggering gait. In addition, the mineral is probably safe when you pulled the pure crystals of silver nitrate from the mineral and they are dissolved in alcohol. Mind. Inflammation of the stomach, gastro-enteritis. Digestive problem like constipation can be cured by argentum nitricum. Some people used to be believed Argentum nitrium can treat anxiety, or nervousness. Paralyses of motion and sensation, a peculiar numbness accompanied with hyperesthesia. Acute granular conjunctivitis, conjunctiva intensely pink, or scarlet red, discharge profuse, inclined to be muco-purulent. Small-pox. Other symptoms were sore throat with white patches, rheumatic pains in (left) wrist (which I have since confirmed), and finger joints, with external tenderness of bony prominences, pain on rising in right sacroiliac notch. Stream of urine spreads asunder. Hurries restlessly to fulfil engagements, fears to be late when there is plenty of time. Morning headache (when he awakens). Worse At night or in morning on rising (epileptic attacks). Marked hoarseness, sometimes loss of voice, feeling as if something clogging vocal cords. Urticarial spots in various parts. Attention à l’automédication lors des angines. Among the symptoms of this proving were: "Mental operations sluggish, continued thought required special effort, but exertion of mind did not aggravate the heaviness and fullness of head. Respiratory Organs. Stomach. Argentum nitricum is one of the substances that can treat the condition effectively and make the body feels better. "Fluids go right through him." Quels sont les facteurs de risque de la pharyngite ? Tenia or ascarides with itching at anus. Trembling. Nos conseils pour bien vivre le reconfinement. Iritis. Le chlorure de magnésium est une solution naturelle considérée comme susceptible afin de lutter contre les inflammations et les infections par stimulation du  système immunitaire, tout comme les inhalations avec quelques gouttes d’huile essentielle d’Eucalyptus dans un bol d’eau bouillante. Warm drinks better, cold drinks or ices worse stomach pains. Teeth sensitive to cold water. Quels sont les symptômes d'une pharyngite ? Metrorrhagia. Onanism and venery. Head. and Merc. Constipation and dry feces. hemoptysis. Ulceration of nostrils. Mental operations sluggish, thought requires effort. Limbs, especially knees, start up at night. Sensation of constriction of scalp, as if something tightly drawn over skull. Coition painful, followed by bleeding from the vagina. It was the use of Argentum nitricum. The focus and concentration often reduced, when the people are having problem with sleep including insomnia. At last Kent discovered that the mother ate a pound of candy a day. The constipation symptoms are few bowel movements, the belly bloats and having problem in bowel movement.