There are no jaguars in the area; other felids were too small to kill humans. Some instances of surplus killing have resulted in the deaths of 20 sheep in one attack. Les pumas étaient vus comme les représentants des dieux de la montagne. La Panthère de Floride est une population de puma qui était une sous-espèce selon l'ancienne classification (Puma concolor coryi). While generally loners, cougars will reciprocally share kills with one another and seem to organize themselves into small communities defined by the territories of dominant males. [16], Felis concolor was the scientific name proposed by Carl Linnaeus in 1771 for a cat with a long tail from Brasilia. Where a juvenile fails to leave his maternal range, for example, he may be killed by his father. La mortalité naturelle des adultes est inférieure à 5 %[15]. The cougar is an ambush predator that pursues a wide variety of prey. Scrape marks, urine, and feces are used to mark territory and attract mates. The Sacramento Mountain Lions (2010–2012) of the United Football League used the California and southwestern United States regional name of the species. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. [66], A 2012 study using 18 motion-sensitive cameras in Río Los Cipreses National Reserve counted a population of two males and two females (one of them with at least two cubs) in an area of 600 km2 (0.63 cougars per 100 km2). Press Esc to cancel. It is reclusive and mostly avoids people. The cougar is generally reported to not be a scavenger, but deer carcasses left exposed for study were scavenged by cougars in California, suggesting more opportunistic behavior. Its wide distribution stems from its adaptability to virtually every habitat type; it lives in all forest types, as well as in lowland and mountainous deserts, as well as in open areas with little vegetation. Slower than most of its prey, it springs from cover at close range, usually from behind the intended victim. [12], In the western United States and Canada, it is also called "mountain lion", a name first used in writing in 1858. Despite prohibitory signs, coatis are hand-fed by tourists in the park, causing unnatural approximation between cougars and humans. In a 2013 study the most important predictor of puma problems were remedial hunting of puma the previous year. [3] In the 17th century, Georg Marcgrave named it cuguacu ara. [101] Birds and small reptiles are sometimes preyed upon in the south, but this is rarely recorded in North America. Le puma peut courir jusqu'à 72 km/h[11],[12], mais seulement sur de courtes distances. An aggressive human response can avert an impending attack and can repel an attack in progress. DNA tests were consistent with cougars from the Black Hills of South Dakota. La fourrure du menton est blanchâtre comme celle du museau. [154][155], Predation by cougars on dogs "is widespread, but occurs at low frequencies"[156], The grace and power of the cougar have been widely admired in the cultures of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. [85], Although it is less specialized than other big cats in predation of crocodilians, a case in Florida was documented in 2008 where a cougar hunted a sub-adult specimen of American alligator 2.69 meters long[86] (the largest registered crocodilian taken by a cougar), which suggests the ability of large cougars to prey on similar sized specimens of the remaining big crocodilian species with which they share habitat in different parts of the Americas (American crocodile, black caiman and Orinoco crocodile). En français, il existe également de nombreux termes synonymes tels que « tigre rouge », « tigre poltron », « lion d'Amérique », « lion du Chili », « lion des Péruviens »[64]. Except when feeding on large prey, a puma rarely beds in the same location on successive days. Dans les autres États, sa chasse est légalisée mais soumise à l'autorisation de l'United States Fish and Wildlife Service[34]. Neck, head, and spinal injuries are common and sometimes fatal. Le puma ne rugit pas en raison de l'ossification totale de son appareil hyoïde[16]. Il a été beaucoup chassé aux XIXe et XXe siècles : on recensait en moyenne 350 pumas tués par an en Colombie-Britannique entre 1910 et 1957[17]. It is native to the Americas. [66], Texas is the only U.S. state with a viable cougar population that is not protected. Le sex-ratio adulte est généralement de deux femelles pour un mâle. En moyenne, le mâle mesure entre 1 mètre et 2,30 mètres de longueur, le record étant de 2,90 mètres, queue comprise[1]. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce dernier, nous considérerons que vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Adult males and females are both solitary except for breeding associations lasting one to six days. Le puma est l'animal terrestre qui occupe l'aire la plus étendue du Nouveau Monde, couvrant près de 110 degrés de latitude. [1] Hunting it is prohibited in California, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, French Guiana, Suriname, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and most of Argentina. [84] Another study on winter kills (November–April) in Alberta showed that ungulates accounted for greater than 99% of the cougar diet. The cougar cannot be legally killed without a permit in California except under very specific circumstances, such as when a cougar is in act of pursuing livestock or domestic animals, or is declared a threat to public safety. L'homme impacte la population de puma en raison de la fragmentation ou de la disparition de ses habitats, de la pression de la chasse et du dérangement que subit l'espèce. Our latest podcast episode features popular TED speaker Mara Mintzer. Prévenez-moi de tous les nouveaux commentaires par e-mail. Cats are native to almost every region on Earth, with the…. Les différences majeures entre ses différentes subdivisions de l'espèce étaient la localisation et la taille du corps : la plupart de ces formes ne prenaient pas en compte la variabilité naturelle entre les individus. PUMA toddler fashion sneakers are designed to make sure that little athletes can get to where they want to go. Les principaux facteurs limitatifs de la présence du cougar au Québec seraient sans doute liés aux diverses activités humaines et au morcellement des populations, qui rendrait difficile les rencontres lors de la période d'accouplement[29]. [134], As with many predators, a cougar may attack if cornered, if a fleeing human stimulates their instinct to chase, or if a person "plays dead". [158], In North America, mythological descriptions of the cougar have appeared in the stories of the Hocąk language ("Ho-Chunk" or "Winnebago") of Wisconsin and Illinois[159] and the Cheyenne, amongst others. [52] In 2009, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources confirmed a cougar sighting in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Ainsi que mes dessins. L'oestrus dure huit à quatorze jours[15]. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Highways are a major barrier for dispersal of cougars. Oregon's first fatal cougar attack in the wild claims hiker near Mount Hood,, Fauna of the California chaparral and woodlands, Extant Middle Pleistocene first appearances, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Wikipedia pending changes protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2017, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Cougar range (without recent confirmations across northern Canadian states and Alaska), This page was last edited on 17 November 2020, at 21:46. Les réserves et les parcs naturels tentent de préserver leur habitat (Yosemite, Yellowstone, Río Plátano, Iguazú, etc.). En savoir plus sur mon projet ici : Me soutenir. Le puma est absent des îles (Caraïbes, Antilles), de l'Uruguay ainsi que du centre et de l'est de l'Amérique du Nord. La capacité de rugir grâce à un os hyoïde peu ou pas ossifié est l’hypothèse historique ayant permis de classer les différentes espèces en félins « rugissants » de la sous-famille des panthérinés et les « non-rugissants » de la sous-famille des félinés[49]. Elastic lace closures provide an adjustable fit, and hook-and-loop straps offer extra support. [162] The University of Pittsburgh campus has about 20 physical representations of panthers/cougars at different locations around the campus plus there are four such statues on the Panther Hollow Bridge over Panther Hollow. Les mâles adultes occupent un territoire moyen de 250 km2 environ (de 100 à 1 000 km2)[14], qui est marqué par leur urine, leurs déjections ou des traces de leurs griffes sur les troncs, accompagnées d'un marquage odorant ; comme les autres félins, le puma possède des glandes sudoripares au niveau des pelotes digitales et plantaires. Le Parc zoologique de Paris, aussi appelé zoo de Vincennes, compte un nouveau puma parmi ses rangs. ... Bébé de puma âgé de quelques jours. All orders placed on that ship within the 50 U.S. states are now eligible for $10 expedited shipping for a limited time only. Ou sur Tipeee ici : Ma page Tipeee. Lorsque ce phénomène céleste se produisait, les paysans des Andes faisaient là encore un maximum de bruit mais cette fois, pour effrayer le félin. [153] This effect is attributed to the removal of older pumas that have learned to avoid people and their replacement by younger males that react differently to humans. During the day the cat commonly beds within 50 metres of the carcass, and it will feed for an average of three nights on a large kill. In the latest genomic study of the Felidae, the common ancestor of today's Leopardus, Lynx, Puma, Prionailurus, and Felis lineages migrated across the Bering land bridge into the Americas 8.0 to 8.5 million years ago (Mya). wallpaper et fond d'écran bébé puma. [139] The nineteenth century naturalists Félix de Azara[140] and William Henry Hudson[141] thought that attacks on people, even children or sleeping adults, did not happen. Territories. Prévenez-moi de tous les nouveaux articles par e-mail. Les mâles et les femelles ne se rencontrent qu'en période d'accouplement (environ deux semaines[14]). Dans le parc national Santa Rosa au Costa Rica, il a été observé que les carcasses de proies fraichement tuées par un jaguar (des tortues de mer) sont par la suite visitées par un ou des pumas et jaguars[Note 2],[24]. [40] Compared to "big cats", cougars are often silent with minimal communication through vocalizations outside of the mother-offspring relationship. It stalks through brush and trees, across ledges, or other covered spots, before delivering a powerful leap onto the back of its prey and a suffocating neck bite. [104] Kitten survival rates are just over one per litter. Preliminary research in Yellowstone, for instance, has shown displacement of the cougar by wolves. Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site. Most victims are children or adults traveling alone. Une modélisation écologique publiée en novembre 2015, basée sur plus de 40 années de statistiques populationnelles croisées à des informations sur l'éthologie et l'habitat de l'espèce laisse attendre une réapparition de populations de cougars dans les États du Midwest entre 2015 et 2040[40], à condition qu'il soit suffisamment accepté, ce qui implique selon les chercheurs une approche intégrée de la présence potentielle d'un grand carnivore dans la région. à voir : ANIMAUX. Small to mid-sized mammals are preferred, including large rodents such as the capybara. Ils peuvent ainsi s'attaquer à des animaux beaucoup plus gros qu'eux. En anglais, le Puma est également appelé « catamount », « panther », « mountain screamer » et « painter ». However, there are documented cases of adult American alligators preying on cougars in Florida. Lorsque Christophe Colomb découvrit le puma, il crut que c'était un lion : les Américains l'appellent encore mountain lion, « lion des montagnes ». The coat is typically tawny like that of the lion, which is why it was initially called the "mountain lion",[33] but it otherwise ranges from silvery-grey or reddish with lighter patches on the underbody, including the jaws, chin, and throat. When feeding on a large mammal, it minimizes spoilage and loss to scavengers by dragging the carcass to a secluded cache site and covering it with leaves and debris. Updates? Les peuples amérindiens le baptisèrent de façons diverses : il était par exemple « cabcoh » pour les Mayas. If a home range can be established, the cat can be expected to live another 7–11 years. D'autres peuples le chassaient pour s'en nourrir ou pour sa peau. Like other cats, it is an obligate carnivore, meaning it must feed on meat to survive. Dans les croyances animistes des peuples d'Amérique du Nord, l'esprit du puma est celui du chef qui s'impose sans utiliser la violence ou la contrainte[63]. Il a cependant été victime de la chasse pendant près de deux siècles, sa fourrure étant prisée et sa présence n'étant pas la bienvenue près du bétail. Sa taille varie de 60 à 76 cm au garrot[6],[3]. Des lignes directrices ont été proposées pour sa protection et gestion[44], mais dans la nature, comme la plupart des grands carnivores, cet animal est souvent victime de collision avec des véhicules, empoisonnement, ou est mal accepté par les propriétaires de terrain, de gibier ou d'animaux d'élevage[45],[46]. Channeling iconic 80s design and contemporary athleisure vibes, PUMA toddler boys’ shoes are diverse and stylish.Throw it back with a mid-top silhouette that looks great on legends In the making, on or off the court. Le Texas est le seul État où le puma peut être chassé librement. En 2005, le ministère de la faune et des parcs du Québec a officiellement confirmé la présence du puma dans trois régions du Québec : la Capitale-Nationale (Québec), la Gaspésie et le Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. Notices dans des dictionnaires ou encyclopédies généralistes, bureaux de Protection de la Faune du Québec, Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faunes sauvages, équipe de football de l'Université nationale autonome du Mexique, Stade Lorrain Université Club Nancy Basket, Service national des forêts aux États-Unis,, Taxobox utilisant une classification non précisée, Catégorie Commons avec lien local différent sur Wikidata, Page pointant vers des dictionnaires ou encyclopédies généralistes, Portail:Conservation de la nature/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Le puma est à la base de la dernière pièce d'. Un unique cas de leucisme (« Puma blanc ») est observé dans les années 2010 à l'état sauvage dans le parc national de Serra dos Órgãos[4]. Cette observation montre que le jaguar est relativement tolérant envers les autres prédateurs qui visitent les charognes qu'il a tuées[24]. [138], Pumas in the Southern cone of America – often called Argentine cougars by North Americans – are reputed to be extremely reluctant to attack man; in legend, they defended people against jaguars. By contrast, Wildcat Lager Beer brewed by Labatt, has always shown a picture of a cougar on its label. [109], Young adults leave their mother to attempt to establish their own territories at around two years of age and sometimes earlier; males tend to leave sooner. There is extensive overlap between female home ranges but very little overlap between territories of adjacent males. It also hunts species as small as insects and rodents. There have been widely debated reports of possible recolonization of eastern North America. Of the large predators in Yellowstone National Park – the grizzly bear, the black bear, the gray wolf, and the cougar – the massive grizzly bear appears dominant, often (but not always) able to drive a gray wolf pack, a black bear, and a cougar off their kills. Domestic livestock, especially sheep, goats, and young calves, are also taken. DNA analysis revealed that it was from a female genetically similar to South Dakota cougars. On Canada's prairies, Mount Royal University in Calgary and the University of Regina in Saskatchewan use the cougar as their mascot. [82] One researcher in Oregon noted: "When there is a pack around, cougars are not comfortable around their kills or raising kittens [...] A lot of times a big cougar will kill a wolf, but the pack phenomenon changes the table. Les Anasazis lui vouaient un culte. This finding indicates that cougar and the parasite existed in South America since at least the Late Pleistocene. [33], Because males disperse farther than females and compete more directly for mates and territory, they are more likely to be involved in conflict. The power and stealth of the puma have come to epitomize the wilderness, and the cat has therefore received prominent consideration in conservation and recovery efforts. [113] Male ranges may include or overlap with those of females but, at least where studied, not with those of other males, which reduces conflict between cougars. Le puma fait partie des félins pouvant attaquer l'être humain. Si on a compté des attaques d'animaux domestiques (chats, chiens), ils ne se tournent que très rarement vers le domaine des humains comme source de nourriture. Cubs are born after a 90-day gestation period; the litter size usually is three but ranges from one to six. Pour les besoins de la chasse ou en cas de menace, il est capable de grimper aux arbres et de faire preuve d'une grande agilité. Until 2011, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recognized both an Eastern cougar (claimed to be a subspecies by some, denied by others)[117][118] and the Florida panther, affording protection under the Endangered Species Act. To initiate your FREE return please click MY ACCOUNT for registered users, otherwise click HERE (You’ll just need your Order Number, which you’ll find on your order & shipping confirmation emails from our customer service team.). En moyenne, un puma d'Amérique du Nord consomme un cerf tous les sept à dix jours, parfois plus pour une femelle avec des petits[5]. D'abord chassé jusqu'à sa quasi-extinction aux États-Unis, le puma fait un grand retour, avec une population estimée entre 10 000[8] et 30 000 individus dans l'Ouest du pays, principalement dans les montagnes Rocheuses. The long tail is commonly tipped with black and usually held close to the ground when the puma is walking. [33] The cat drags a kill to a preferred spot, covers it with brush, and returns to feed over a period of days. Pumas live at low density (one to five per 100 square km) and thus, in order to survive, require large areas with sufficient prey and cover from which to ambush it. [14][15] Early Spanish explorers of the Americas called it gato montés (meaning "cat of the mountain"), and león (meaning "lion"). [73][74], The gray wolf and the cougar compete more directly for prey, mostly in winter. Cubs accompany their mother until dispersing at 10–26 months of age, but most die before they can fend for themselves. Afin d'assurer la sécurité et la qualité de ce site, nous vous demandons de vous identifier pour laisser vos commentaires. [48] DNA evidence has suggested its presence in eastern North America,[49] while a consolidated map of cougar sightings shows numerous reports from the mid-western Great Plains through to eastern Canada. Its range spans from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes in South America, and is the most widespread of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere. [146] In 2012 a 23-year-old woman was found dead in a mountainous area in Salta Province in northwest Argentina. Bien qu'en forte augmentation sur la période étudiée, les tentatives de prédation reçoivent une couverture médiatique importante en comparaison d'autres prédateurs statistiquement plus dangereux pour l'homme, comme les chiens[43]. [35] Cougars appear better than jaguars at exploiting a broader prey niche and smaller prey. [130] Attacks on people, livestock, and pets may occur when a puma habituates to humans or is in a condition of severe starvation. The shade of brown varies geographically and seasonally from gray to reddish brown, and some black pumas have been reported; facial colour patterns are also variable. Cette inscription sera valable sur le site The word cougar is borrowed from the Portuguese çuçuarana, via French; it was originally derived from the Tupi language. [2] The cougar is most closely related to the jaguarundi, as well as the modern cheetah of Africa and western Asia. Le jaguar (Panthera onca) partage son aire de répartition Nord avec l'aire Sud du puma. At present they are primarily found west of 100° W longitude (approximately central Texas to Saskatchewan) except for southern Texas and are an endangered population in Florida (the Florida panther, P. concolor coryi). Les félins nord-américains ont ensuite envahi l’Amérique du Sud par l’isthme de Panama il y a 3 millions d’années durant le grand échange interaméricain. [135] Exaggerating the threat to the animal through intense eye contact, loud shouting, and any other action to appear larger and more menacing, may make the animal retreat. Remedial hunting enables younger males to enter the former territories of the older animals. Individual territory sizes depend on terrain, vegetation, and abundance of prey. The first use of puma in English dates to 1777, introduced from Spanish, and prior from the Quechua language in the 16th century, where it means "powerful". The cougar is the second-largest cat in the New World after the jaguar. Pumas are usually silent, but during this time they emit long, frightening screams intermittently for several hours. The underside is lighter. [51] The only unequivocally known eastern population is the critically endangered Florida panther. [163] The campus also has a Nittany Lion Shrine featuring a large statue of a mountain lion on campus. [17] In general, cougars are subordinate to black bears when it comes to kills and when bears are most active, the cats take prey more frequently and spend less time feeding on each kill. The term puma is also used in the United States. [105] Other research suggests a much smaller lower limit of 25 km2 (10 sq mi), but an even greater upper limit of 1300 km2 (500 sq mi) for males. One study has shown high mortality amongst cougars that travel farthest from the maternal range, often due to conflicts with other cougars (intraspecific competition). Litter size is between one and six cubs; typically two. Those reported grew to only half the size of the parents. The larger front feet and claws are adaptations to clutching prey. Connectez-vous According to figures in Texas in 1990, 86 calves (0.0006% of Texas's 13.4 million cattle and calves), 253 mohair goats, 302 mohair kids, 445 sheep (0.02% of Texas's 2 million sheep and lambs) and 562 lambs (0.04% of Texas's 1.2 million lambs) were confirmed to have been killed by cougars that year.