The Economic, Social and Financial Report (ESFR) provides first indications for the public finances trajectory through to 2025, with the most notable item being a return of the deficit to just under the 3% threshold by this date. Arrêtons de dire que le gouvernement fait une politique pour une minorité. This budget marked another first with the presentation of a “green budget”, which accounts for public spending on the basis of its environmental impact. Even so, Q3 is expected to see a substantial rebound (of around 15% q/q). Concernant le conflit sur la réforme des retraites, le ministre de l'Economie et des Finances estime qu'il ne pèsera pas sur la croissance si un compromis est trouvé rapidement. Regulatory Information/MiFID II Even so, it will continue to be hindered by the delayed impact of the drop-off in activity in 2020, by sector differences (the sectors hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic are also big employers), by the return of furloughed workers and by efforts to rebuild productivity gains and corporate margins (the bigger the efforts, the smaller the rebound in employment). Cette prévision intègre les informa-tions disponibles au 9 octobre 2020. Oui. In 2019, household consumption rose at an average annual rate of 1.5% in real terms, which is considered to be a disappointing performance. Perspectives économiques et coûts du TRM - Octobre 2020. As far as fiscal deficit forecasts are concerned, it believes these are ‘achievable’ both in 2020 and 2021 but that they are surrounded by huge uncertainty. , Croissance française en 2021: Bruno Le Maire revoit ses ambitions à la baisse, © Copyright 2006-2020 Résumé des prévisions du 14 octobre 2020 PERSPECTIVES ÉCONOMIQUES 2020-2021 Or was it actually in the process of rebounding? Le chef de l'Etat réunira ce lundi le premier Conseil des ministres de 2020, ouvrant une semaine décisive ponctuée par la reprise mardi des discussions avec les syndicats, et par deux nouvelles journées de manifestations prévues jeudi et samedi. its geography, demographics, infrastructure, diversified economy, deep and liquid capital and credit markets, abundant private savings, energy, culture, creativity, attractiveness, skills, know-how, and world leading companies. 14 Oct 2020. On a PPP (purchasing power parity) basis, it ranks 10 th, and 27 th on a GDP per capita basis. Tous droits réservés. The exceptional fiscal deficit figures unveiled by the Government in its draft 2021 budget bear the brunt of two factors: the massive recessionary shock triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic and the equally massive fiscal response as the government has sought both to lessen the impact of the crisis and to support the recovery. However, the improvement is now slowing as the automatic catch-up effects fall away and as substantial disparities between sectors and persistent public health constraints and uncertainties remain in play. Besides, French growth has been trending downwards over a long period: average annual growth has declined from about 5% in the 1950s and 1960s, to 4% in the 1970s, 2% in the 1980s and 1990s, before dropping to 1.3% since the early 2000s and stagnating between mid-2011 to mid-2014. France: the exceptional figures of the 2021 budget, The very muted variations of employment compared to the large swings in GDP, France 2021 budget: budgeting for crisis and recovery, French household consumption in 2019: weak and strong at the same time, From fast, the return to normal is becoming more asymptotic, France is a major medium-sized economy, the sixth largest economy in 2015 in the world in terms of nominal GDP measured in USD. The remaining $ 14.78 billion consists of other non-discretionary advisory or related services, CANDRIAM Webinar Replay. La maîtrise de la pandémie est loin d’être acquise et l’issue des élections américaines ne l’est pas plus. Du jamais vu depuis vingt ans!". Le ministre de l'Economie et des Finances table sur une croissance de 1.3% en 2019 et en 2020. Are we really dealing with a feeble rebound? With this support, the government expects growth to rebound to 8% in annual average terms in 2021, after having contracted by an expected 10% in 2020. , This strategy has been reinforced since 2012 with a series of significant corporate tax and employer contribution cuts, coupled with various efforts to introduce more competition in the goods and services market, more flexibility in the labour market, support innovation, increase financing to SME’s and build a more business-friendly environment. And the numbers are still climbing, as a result of the second wave of the epidemic this autumn. In addition to these major uncertainties, there are also uncertainties about the spending behavior of households and businesses at the end of this totally unprecedented episode... On all these subjects our economists Anton Brender, Chief Economist and Florence Pisani, Global Head of Economic Research, share their insights with you. After a rapid restart in May and June, the economy was back to 95% of its normal level in August. Dans le secteur industriel, nous avons créé 24.000 emplois depuis 2018. Le ministre espère que le taux de chômage continuera de baisser et affiche l'objectif du gouvernement: atteindre 7% à la fin du quinquennat, contre 8,6% au troisième trimestre 2019. In order to mitigate the impact of the second Covid 19 epidemic wave and the new containment since October 30th on companies’ cash flow, the distribution of the Government-guaranteed loan has been extended for six months, until June 30th 2021. “Conviction AND Responsibility In Asset Management”, © Candriam All rights reserved | Notre politique économique donne des résultats" se félicite Bruno Le Maire. On a PPP (purchasing power parity) basis, it ranks 10th, and 27th on a GDP per capita basis. If it suffers from less severe recessions than elsewhere, it nevertheless also benefits from less vigorous recoveries. Notre scénario pour l'économie mondiale et française. Perspectives économiques. Bruno Le Maire se montre optimiste dans un entretien accordé au Journal du Dimanche. The contribution from changes in inventories, which was more negative than expected, took a little of the shine off the recovery... Has household consumption, the driving force behind French growth, stalled? A sluggish recovery has been emerging since the second half of 2014, with a rate of growth still below 1.5% in year-on-year terms by the second quarter of 2016. All components of GDP showed better than expected improvements. Cette édition des Perspectives est consacrée à l'évaluation de l'impact économique de la pandémie de COVID-19. Résultat d'un sondage Ifop pour le Journal du Dimanche. | Mais c'est impossible si nos impôts de production sont trois fois plus élevés que chez nos voisins européens. Granted, in 2021, job growth will get a boost from the France Relance fiscal stimulus package. According to the INSEE flash estimate, private payroll employment in France rebounded by 1.8% q/q in Q3 2020, after dropping 2.5% in Q1 and 0.8% in Q2. The overall budget is divided roughly into thirds to cover the recovery plan’s three pillars: 30 billion euros for the environment, 34 billion euros to boost competitiveness, and 36 billion euros for social cohesion. Je souhaite donc qu'une trajectoire de baisse des impôts de production d'ici à 2025 puisse être présentée par le Président dans le cadre du pacte productif, et qu'elle démarre dès le prochain projet de loi de finances". The rebound has been as spectacular as the collapse that preceded it (-5.9% q/q in Q1 and -13.7% q/q in Q2), but did not make up all of the ground lost: GDP is still 4% lower than its level at end-2019. But “disappointing” on what grounds and from which standpoint? Voulons-nous que les usines se réimplantent en France? Macro The main economic news is the publication by INSEE, on Friday 30 October, of its preliminary estimate for French GDP growth in Q3. Social distancing and lockdown measures implemented to combat the Covid-19 pandemic severely damaged the US economy in Q2 2020, resulting in a record 9.1% decline in GDP. For comparison purposes, these figures for the EU as a whole are 74%, 19%, 1.5% and 5% respectively. Job variations have been remarkably smoother relatively to GDP, both on the downside and on the upside. In the draft 2021 budget, the French government predicts budget deficits of 10.2% of GDP in 2020 followed by 6.7% in 2021 (from a deficit of 3% in 2019). Legal Information Our analysis focuses on household consumption’s (lack of) momentum since 2008 in general, and in 2019 in particular. This reflects the massive use of job-retention schemes enabled by the government’s decision to strengthen the system as part of emergency measures taken last spring to cushion the shock of lockdown. France animée par Mathieu Plane composée de Bruno Ducoudré, Pierre Madec, Hervé Péléraux et Raul Sampognaro. 75% pensent d'ailleurs que le gouvernement ira au bout sans céder aux mobilisations et aux grèves. Contact us. On a PPP (purchasing power parity) basis, it ranks 10. “Conviction AND Responsibility In Asset Management”, Multi-specialist in traditional, alternative and SRI management, Part of New York Life, a Fortune100© company, At 31 December 2019 Assets under supervision includes approximately $131.04 billion which fall within the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's definition of 'regulatory AUM' in Form ADV Part 1A. "Les perspectives économiques de la France sont bonnes et solides". We value your input and welcome your questions and comments... CANDRIAM By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to cookies being used to offer content and services adapted to your interests. It belongs to the core Eurozone countries group. Elle a provoqué la récession économique la plus grave jamais observée depuis près d'un siècle et fait des ravages en termes de santé, d’emploi et de bien-être des citoyens The government debt to GDP ratio is expected to rise by nearly 20 points, to 117.5%, in 2020, before dropping slightly, to 116.2%, in 2021. Podcast Voulons-nous rester une grande nation de production? "Les perspectives économiques de la France sont bonnes et solides". And agree with and will comply to the terms and conditions below: Find out more about cookies on, Regulated / Unregulated Qualified Investor. Control of the pandemic is far from being achieved and the outcome of the American elections is no more so. In a descriptive analysis in part one, we examine household consumption’s role as a growth engine, its momentum and composition.