Nel corso degli anni si avvicina sempre più al trio, unendosi anche all'Esercito di Silente quando, al quinto anno, Dolores Umbridge vieta le esercitazioni pratiche di Difesa contro le arti oscure. Partecipa alla battaglia di Hogwarts e, dopo la presunta morte di Harry, sfida apertamente Voldemort riuscendo anche a uccidere Nagini con la Spada di Grifondoro e a neutralizzare assieme a Ron Fenrir Greyback[6]. Every once in a blue moon, things went right for Neville Longbottom. Mimbulus mimbletonia was used as the password for the Gryffindor's common room at the start of the 1995–1996 school year, which Neville was overjoyed by, as he could finally remember the password. Per tutto l'anno organizza piccoli attacchi al regime di terrore che i due mangiamorte hanno imposto sulla scuola, giungendo infine alla partecipazione alla battaglia di Hogwarts. Stinksap is a non-poisonous liquid and is described as dark green and smelling like "rancid manure". #hermionegranger Negli anni ad Hogwarts fa molta fatica a stare al passo nelle varie materie, specialmente in Pozioni, dove non sono rari gli incidenti causati dai suoi errori; Neville ha poi sviluppato un vero e proprio terrore nei confronti di Severus Piton, che a causa dei suoi risultati disastrosi nella materia lo prende costantemente di mira, tanto da portare un Molliccio a trasformarsi nel professore dinanzi a lui[8]. From the second she had begun the class, it appeared that the idea of passing every class was thrown out the window. [1] By the end of the school year in 1996, he discovered that further on in the plant's development, it makes "odd crooning noises when touched. #harrypotter E' severamente vietata la riproduzione con ogni mezzo anche parziale senza autorizzazione scritta. The purpose of this plant seems to be to increase Neville's self-esteem while damaging Harry's. -- Neville Longbottom (OP10) The Mimbulus mimbletonia is a very rare magical plant, native to Assyria, which resembles a grey cactus but with boils where the spines would have been. "S-sorry," I gasped, looking into Harry's furious expression, who also managed to cop a faceful of the rancid manure smelling slime. "Hi, Harry," I said cheerily. She did average in Defense, History of Magic, and Divination (considering that all you really had to do was predict a few deaths for Trelawney to think you were actually having premonitions). [12] Nel sondaggio di, Neville è stato votato come il personaggio su cui i fan vorrebbero uno spin-off. But then I saw Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley approaching, pulling along their trunks and seemingly looking for a place to sit too. Proveniente da ricerca Neville - Vedi alternative. We are told that this plant is quite rare and valuable, and can gather from this that it is very hard to care for. [13] Empire ha definito Neville come il loro ottavo personaggio preferito della serie. However, when I got on the train, I was unable to find a compartment. Here, look...". [1] I held the Mimbulus mimbletonia up to my eyes, my tongue between my teeth in concentration as I chose a spot and then jabbed it hard with the tip of my quill. If her years at Hogwarts had taught Evelyn anything, it was that she absolutely, one hundred and fifty percent hated Herbology. . È infatti il bersaglio preferito di Draco Malfoy agli inizi del primo anno, ed è solo grazie all'intervento di Harry e Ron riesce ad acquistare fiducia in sé stesso, portandolo ad affrontare in un corpo a corpo Tiger e Goyle, dal quale uscirà tuttavia decisamente malmesso, e a fronteggiare Harry, Ron e Hermione quando questi si apprestano a impedire a Voldemort di ottenere la pietra filosofale, per impedir loro di far perdere altri punti a Grifondoro[4]. Neville's obvious liking for this plant and his ability to care for what we are told is a rare and difficult species are rewarded both by the plant's thriving and by Professor Sprout's comments. Neville Paciock (Neville Longbottom) è uno dei personaggi della saga di Harry Potter, scritta e ideata da J. K. Rowling.Neville è un compagno di scuola di Harry Potter, Ron Weasley e Hermione Granger, appartenente alla casa di Grifondoro.. The whole compartment was covered in the stuff. I'm going to see if I can breed from it.". Mimbulus mimbletonia fue en una ocasión la contraseña de la sala común de Gryffindor Neville demuestra su mecanismo de defensa a harry en el expresó de hogwarts , … When she was newly eleven and just starting school, she was weary of the changes it would bring her. It was just unfathomable. Die Mimbulus Mimbeltonia (im Original: Mimbulus Mimbletonia) ist eine kakteenartige magische Pflanze, die es nur in der magischen Welt von Joanne K. Rowling gibt und auch dort nur äußerst selten. #hogwarts The class, while taught by Professor Sprout, who was one of the nicest women that Evelyn had ever met, was just impossible to grasp. Luna said, turning her pale eyes on me. Negli adattamenti cinematografici è interpretato da Matthew Lewis; in italiano è doppiato da Gabriele Patriarca. © 2012-2015 PotterPedia V3 & HarryWeb.Net V10 [14] Il personaggio è stato da varie parti considerato come un esempio di quei giovani che, superata la pubertà con la sua goffaggine[15] e i suoi problemi anche estetici[16], crescendo hanno raggiunto una maggiore autostima e la capacità di agire sia in autonomia che in collaborazione con gli altri. "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," Luna sing-songed, before immediately lifting her upside down magazine and hiding back behind it. #hogwarts Harry Potter characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Ent. Leggile Ora. More specifically, it was the year that she would have to take the dreaded Herbology O.W.L. [3], The plant was also mentioned by Hermione Granger in 1997, when retorting to Ron Weasley that she doubts that he "would find a woman who sulked for half an hour because Madam Rosmerta didn't laugh at their joke about the hag, the healer and the Mimbulus mimbletonia" after his comment about women being easily upset. But then, there was Herbology. This page was last edited on 2 July 2017, at 15:21. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 27 ago 2020 alle 19:02. Assyria[1] "There's room in this one, there's only Loony Lovegood in here.". Extant, very rare[1] Il termine "Mimbulus Mimbletonia" viene usato come parola d'accesso al dormitorio di Grifondoro all'inzio dell'anno scolastico 1995–1996. Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. "Yes," she said dreamily, not taking her eyes off Harry. The boils are a defensive mechanism that spew Stinksap upon contact. Inizialmente timido, goffo e impacciato, nel corso della storia subisce una graduale trasformazione che lo porta a diventare più sicuro e determinato. Dopo la caduta di Voldemort, i suoi genitori vengono torturati fino alla pazzia da alcuni Mangiamorte, tra i quali Bellatrix Lestrange: a causa di ciò Neville viene cresciuto dalla nonna paterna Augusta. "I haven't tried that before... didn't realise it would be quite so... don't worry, though, Stinksap's not poisonous," I added nervously, as he spat a mouthful of it on to the floor. Neville non è particolarmente dotato per la magia: i suoi poteri sono rimasti latenti per lungo tempo e si sono manifestati grazie a un incidente, quando suo zio lo fece cadere involontariamente dal balcone e si salvò rimbalzando fino in strada. [1], Neville Longbottom holding a Mimbulus mimbletonia in 1995, It is most notable for its pulsating and squirming nature and its unique defence mechanism. Inizialmente timido, goffo e impacciato, nel corso della storia subisce una graduale trasformazione che lo porta a diventare più sicuro e determinato. [5], *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. #herbology I'd learnt a lot about plants and I was keen to share my experiences. But now, she was freshly fifteen and about to start her fifth year. Bitkinin içerisindeki metal iskelet My Great Uncle Algie got it for me in Assyria. I can't wait to show it to Professor Sprout. Neville possiede come animale domestico un rospo chiamato Oscar (Trevor nell'originale), regalatogli dal suo prozio dopo la sua ammissione ad Hogwarts. Dopo la presunta morte di Harry, rifiuta di ammettere la sconfitta e di sottomettersi a Voldemort, dimostrandosi infine un vero Grifondoro nell'estrarre la spada del grande stregone dal Cappello Parlante per uccidere Nagini, ultimo Horcrux rimasto al Signore Oscuro[7]. #nevillelongbottom At the end of the book, as we return to the Hogwarts Express for the return home, we see that it has thrived and grown while at the school. "We'll just hang out in the corridor.". Grazie all'aiuto degli amici, tuttavia, impara a far fronte alle avversità giungendo anche ad affrontare Harry, Ron e Hermione per impedir loro di danneggiare la Casa andando in giro di notte; per questo suo atteggiamento riesce a guadagnare i punti necessari a far vincere a Grifondoro la Coppa delle case al primo anno[4]. It had been a good summer. #love "And I don't know who you are." We will learn, at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, that Neville did quite well on his Herbology OWL, gaining an Outstanding grade; the fact that this plant has done so well reinforces the feeling we have that Neville, for all his shortcomings and self-doubts, is quite skilled at taking care of magical plants. Embarrassingly clumsy and hopeless romantic Neve struggles her way through Hogwarts, not realising her prince is actually closer... #completed #potter Neville è descritto come un ragazzo basso e paffuto, dal viso rotondo e i capelli biondi. Harry Potter and Related Publishing Rights © J.K. Rowling #lovestory Quando Voldemort sale al potere, dopo la morte di Silente nomina Piton come nuovo preside e Alecto e Amycus Carrow come insegnanti di Arti Oscure e Babbanologia; Neville, assieme ad altri studenti, riesuma l'Esercito di Silente e inizia un'opposizione al regime dei due Mangiamorte, rifugiandosi nella Stanza delle Necessità dove viene poi raggiunto dai suoi sostenitori. I stood anxiously on the platform, holding my special plant in my hand. "Don't be silly," Ginny laughed, correctly reading my expression, "she's all right.". "I don't know if there's one in the greenhouse at Ginny said, who was peering into the compartment next to me. I didn't want to admit I was too terrified to sit with her. Distinction(s) "Does it - er - do anything?" #orderofthephoenix Au cours de l'année, Mimbulus Mimbletonia devient le mot de passe de la salle commune de Gryffondor. Ginny asked as the girl stared unblinkingly at Harry. #fanfiction Neville started the series as an underdog, who was picked on by other Hogwarts students and was definitely perceived as weak. Non-sentient However, Neville proved himself to be one of the most powerful wizards in the series, destroying Horcruxes and proving that he … Harry's face filled with a look of revulsion. Neville è un compagno di scuola di Harry Potter, Ron Weasley e Hermione Granger, appartenente alla casa di Grifondoro. L'unica materia per cui Neville sembra naturalmente portato è Erbologia, materia della quale diventa professore alla fine della saga[9]. Dans le dortoirs des garçons de Gryffondor, Neville pose tendrement son Mimbulus Mimbletonia sur sa commode. Understanding why Mandrakes screamed literal bloody fucking murder or why bubotubers oozed petrol-smelling pus was completely beyond her. #dracomalfoy (However, that was a story for another time.). [Source], The Mimbulus mimbletonia is a very rare magical plant, surmised to be originate in Assyria. La prima bacchetta magica di Neville è quella appartenuta a suo padre, che viene spezzata durante gli scontri al Ministero; in seguito ne acquista un'altra di ciliegio con nucleo di crine di unicorno[1]. Neve Longbottom longs for her prince to come, but no matter how much she kisses her toad, he simply remains just that. Dopo la fuga da Azkaban di alcuni Mangiamorte, tra i quali gli aguzzini dei suoi genitori, Neville inizia ad impegnarsi sempre di più negli incontri dell'ES, e quando Harry decide di andare al Ministero della Magia per affrontare Voldemort, intenzionato a ottenere una copia della profezia, è tra quelli che lo seguono aiutandolo anche ad affrontare alcuni Mangiamorte[5]. "What's that?" "I know I am," Harry said in such a way that I couldn't help but let out a nervous giggle. Dopo la fuga dei Mangiamorte nel quinto libro riesce a impegnarsi molto di più negli incontri dell'Esercito di Silente, imparando a padroneggiare vari incantesimi difensivi e di combattimento. Non riesce nemmeno a brillare nello studio, specialmente in Pozioni, dove il professor Severus Piton lo prende presto di mira; l'unica materia in cui eccelle è Erbologia. Diritti sui contenuti riservati. Study questions are meant to be left for each student to answer; please don't answer them here. She had spectacular marks in Charms, Transfiguration, and Muggle Studies (she was a half-blood, so her father had already exposed her to everything Muggle before she even knew that she was a witch). #wattys2020. [4], During the Calamity which affected the Wizarding World in the 2010s, Mimbulus mimbletonia plants appeared as Confoundables, guarding branches of Bowtruckles. May 15, 2017 - The Mimbulus mimbletonia is a very rare magical plant, surmised to be originate in Assyria. I felt my cheeks flame. Mimbulus mimbletonia Harry's face filled with a look of revulsion. Covered in boils, which release Stinksap when the plant is prodded. I said proudly. "It's really, really rare," I said beaming. She tried her absolute best, studying for hours on end, but nothing seemed to stick to her brain at all. Neville is greatly heartened by the recognition that he is good at something – his career at Hogwarts seems, in his own eyes, to have been largely devoid of successes. Neville è un compagno di scuola di Harry Potter, Ron Weasley e Hermione Granger, appartenente alla casa di Grifondoro. Neville was often seen carrying around his Mimbulus Mimbletonia plant or going on about another plant, which was actually quite hilarious, considering he was almost always oblivious to how little anyone was interested in his Endemic to "[2], Mimbulus mimbletonia was used as the password for the Gryffindor's common room at the start of the 1995–1996 school year, which Neville was overjoyed by, as he could finally remember the password. A curse Confoundable also transfigured Pomona Sprout into a Mimblulus mimbletonia plant, requiring the volunteers to cast the General Counter-Spell to end the spell's effect on the professor. For the first time in her entire Hogwarts career, Evelyn Bishop was wary of the first of September. Community content is available under. Harry asked. "Don't worry, Trevor," I said to my toad who was sitting on my head. Luna's in my year, but in Ravenclaw.". Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, joke about the hag, the healer and the Mimbulus mimbletonia, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game),, Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean,, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Articles with information from Pottermore, Articles with information from Wizarding World. L'apice di questa sua trasformazione avviene però nel settimo libro, sotto la tirannia instaurata ad Hogwarts dai fratelli Carrow: Neville infatti organizza una resistenza partendo da quello che era l'Esercito di Silente, stavolta senza però avere il supporto materiale di Harry, Ron e Hermione. #hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry "Loads of stuff!" Demonstrating its special features, Neville deliberately triggers its defence mechanism, completely covering Harry, Ginny, Luna, and himself in stinksap, mere moments before Cho Chang looks in to say "hello" to Harry. Nel corso della saga si assiste a una graduale trasformazione del personaggio, specialmente dopo la fuga dei torturatori dei suoi genitori da Azkaban: da quel momento Neville acquista maggiore serietà e impegno, volendo impedire che altri innocenti subiscano la sua stessa sorte. #neville Including its occupants. She had spent the majority of that year with a rather large secret, one that she still hadn't told to anyone. Sebbene il personaggio sia noto in Italia con il cognome "Paciock", nella nuova traduzione italiana del primo è stato mantenuto l'originale "Longbottom" in quanto il cognome usato nella precedente versione era stato scelto per il carattere iniziale del personaggio, non potendo prevedere la sua evoluzione nei libri successivi[2]. [19][20], The chapter that made us fall in love with… Neville Longbottom, The 30 Greatest Harry Potter (And Fantastic Beasts) Characters, Mastering the Shakespeare Audition: A Quick Guide to Performance Success,, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Extended Description [] Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level. Sentience Mimbulus Mimbletonia is a spineless, cactus-like plant with a unique defence mechanism. #harry She was no longer nervous of going to Hogwarts and only slightly hyper aware of her own secrets, but instead dealing with the large amount of panic when she realized that fifth year meant O.W.L.s year. #magic After receiving one of them as a gift during the summer of 1995, Neville Longbottom demonstrated its defence mechanism for Harry Potter on the Hogwarts Express, accidentally covering the compartment and the people in it with Stinksap. #gryffindor Mimbulus Mimbletonia’nın hareketlerine, Adamotlarına benzer şekilde hayat verildi. #nevillelongbottom Usage #harrypotter Neville en est ravi, pour une fois il peut se rappeler du mot de passe. And somehow she managed to scrape by in Potions despite the professor being the biggest git to walk the face of the Earth. Wait, no ㅡ she loathed Herbology. IGN ha inserito Neville al decimo posto nella lista dei migliori personaggi di Harry Potter, definendolo "la quintessenza dell'incapace trasformatosi in eroe". Then, there had been the time when she was thirteen, about to start her third year. I can't find a seat...", "What are you talking about?" "Had a good summer, Luna?" Well, it wasn't exactly the first time. #gryffindor [18] Neville è rappresentato in uno dei 15 francobolli della serie che nell'ottobre 2018 le poste britanniche hanno dedicato alla saga di Harry Potter. Neville Paciock (Neville Longbottom) è uno dei personaggi della saga di Harry Potter, scritta e ideata da J. K. Rowling. Harry, Ginny and I all exchanged perplexed looks. .Questa pianta viene menzioanta nuovamente da … Alla fine riesce a scappare definitivamente nel lago di Hogwarts, con grande sollievo sia dell'animale che di Neville[11]. . It is most notable for its pulsating and squirming nature and its unique defence mechanism. Mimbulus Mimbletonia Pagina Catalogata come Erbe e Piante. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Neville nasce il 30 luglio 1980 da Frank e Alice Paciock, membri dell'Ordine della Fenice che per tre volte avevano affrontato Lord Voldemort: ciò lo rende un possibile bersaglio di Voldemort a causa della Profezia di Sibilla Cooman, ma il Signore Oscuro ritiene che il pericolo maggiore provenisse da Harry Potter, in quanto mezzosangue come lui[3]. Our introduction to this plant occurs when Neville displays it on the Hogwarts Express in Harry's fifth year. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. La pianta in questione era stata regalata a Neville Paciock per il suo compleanno da uno zio che conosce la passione del ragazzo per l'erbologia. Species information That year she had been weary of just about everything. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Read i. Mimbulus Mimbletonia from the story Blue Moon Neville Longbottom by azaleahs () with 11,203 reads. All Rights Reserved. I couldn't help but notice she was reading an upside down magazine and wearing a ring of Butterbeer corks around her neck. She led the way inside, greeting the dotty looking witch warmly. Neville’in gözü gibi baktığı bitki, Harry Potter ve Ölüm Yadigarları‘nda İhtiyaç Odası’nda bir sahnede de yer aldı. That bought of anxiety had been squashed within twenty minutes of being on the train, when the Trolley Witch had brought along pumpkin pasties and boxes of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. "Mimbulus mimbletonia," I said proudly, lifting up the small grey, boil covered, pulsating cactus. La pianta sembra essere tipica dell'Assiria, nazione in cui lo zio l'acquista. Der unscheinbare graue Kaktus hat keine Stacheln, sondern Beulen und scheint zu pulsieren. "It's really, really rare," I said beaming. Gag ricorrente nella saga sono le costanti fughe dell'animale nel tentativo di andarsene dal padrone[10]. #malfoy Status [17] In questo processo di crescita è stato fatto osservare che il ragazzo viene aiutato dal proprio senso di giustizia, che gli permette di distinguere il bene dal male e gli dà il coraggio necessario per affrontare le sfide che gli stanno davanti. "It's got an amazing defensive mechanism. They were either full or contained scary looking people. #slytherin That first of September had only been two months after her . . "Yes, it was quite enjoyable, you know. well, for lack of better words, her incident. Herbology Nonostante i suoi poteri magici si siano manifestati in tarda età viene ammesso ad Hogwarts, dove viene smistato in Grifondoro; qui fa conoscenza con Harry, Ron Weasley e Hermione Granger e diventa vittima di bullismo da parte di Draco Malfoy e la sua banda. Neville Paciock (Neville Longbottom) è uno dei personaggi della saga di Harry Potter, scritta e ideata da J. K. Rowling. Liquid squirted from every boil in the plant; thick, stinking, dark green jets of it. #longbottom Mimbulus Mimbletonia is a spineless, cactus-like plant with a unique defence mechanism. Mimbulus Mimbletonia è presente 9 volte nelle nostre citazioni dai Libri di Harry Potter. And while the days had worn on from that year, unfortunately, she wasn't very sure if the third year anxiety had ever really worn off. #draco #lunalovegood Any other class, she managed to get by in. They could be repelled by volunteer members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force by casting the Ebublio Jinx on them. Harry Potter Enciclopedia è una enciclopedia libera, aggiornabile da chiunque ne abbia interesse. The plant was also mentioned by Hermione Granger in 1997, when retorting to Ron Weasley that she doubts that he "would find a woman who sulked for half an hour because Madam Rosmerta didn't laugh at their joke about the hag, the healer and the Mimbulus mimbletonia" after his comment about women being e… I shook my head to get the worst out of my eyes. You're Harry Potter," she added. "Mimbulus mimbletonia," I said proudly, lifting up the small grey, boil covered, pulsating cactus. "I don't know if there's one in the greenhouse at Hogwarts, even. Which is exactly why, on 1st September of 1995, Evelyn Bishop came marching into his compartment on the train, professing her absolute lack of skills in Herbology and her vivid des... #ginnyweasley "No you're not," Ginny said sharply. La veridicità di ogni informazione o modifica viene controllata scrupolosamente dall'amministrazione di Neville è inizialmente descritto come un ragazzo timido, goffo, impacciato e dotato di scarsa memoria, caratteristiche che più di una volta lo hanno portato a mettersi nei guai sia con gli altri studenti che con i professori. "Neve Longbottom - Luna Lovegood. When prodded, Stinksap is squirted out from the boils on the surface of the plant. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world, Harry, meanwhile, is in the earliest stages of a relationship with Cho Chang, and feels that he must make a good impression; he feels, correctly, that his image in her eyes is somewhat dimmed, at least temporarily, by the fresh coat of stinksap he has received at Neville's bidding. Citazioni nei libri . Harry asked beckoning towards the plant in my lap. Diciannove anni dopo la sconfitta di Voldemort è insegnante di Erbologia ad Hogwarts ed è sposato con Hannah Abbott. #ronweasley.