L'école pour tous : les lois Jules Ferry (1882). … This article discusses the procedures for excusing a child’s absence, including the case of a child’s industrial or agricultural labor. Schon kurz nachdem er am 23. Secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jules_Ferry_laws&oldid=975018414, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 August 2020, at 07:45. Dans quelques communes, les parents qui ont choisi d’inscrireanmeldeninscrire leurs enfants dans une école publique seront même parfois priver qn de qcjmd. Likewise, Napoleon's Imperial University remained connected to the Church and paid little heed to primary education that would ensure basic literacy needs among the larger population. Quand elles ont un contrat avec l’État, elles sont en partie financées par la collectivité, le reste être à la charge de qnzu Lasten js. On June 16, 1881, the first set of Jules Ferry Laws were passed, making primary education free for both boys and girls. [1] However, funds for these schools were to be provided by local residents, and it proved very difficult for these schools to afford to remain in practice. When a child is absent from school four times a month for at least half a day without justification accepted by the school board, the father, guardian or responsible person will be invited at least three days in advance to appear in the municipal hall, before the National Commission, which will remind him the text of the law and explain his duty. (1995). Le 21 décembre 1880, le député Camille Sée, ami de Jules Ferry, fait passer une loi qui ouvre aux filles l'accès à un enseignement secondaire public où les cours de religion seront remplacés par des cours de morale. This article discusses the compulsory requirements of the parents or guardians of each child in procuring an education, whether private or public. Avec ces lois, il voulait parvenir à la laïcité, c’est-à-dire il souhaitait éliminer les ecclésiastiques des conseils académiques (Sénat.fr [9], Members of Catholic orders were not allowed to teach in public schools after a five-year transitional period.[10]. The dual system of state and church schools that were largely staffed by religious officials was replaced by state schools and lay school teachers. In case of further offense, the school board, or, in its stead, the inspector, should address a complaint to the justice of the peace. The distribution of relief will be under the responsibility of the school board. La véritable plus-value de ces textes porte sur la scolarisation des filles et des enfants des campagnes, que les parents sont obligés d'envoyer à l'école alors qu'ils préféraient les voir participer aux tâches … A municipal school board is established in each commune to monitor and encourage school attendance. This article discusses, in further offense of excessive absence, legal proceedings to be administered. L’éducation peut toutefois se faire à la maison, à l’intérieur d’un le cadreder Rahmencadre précis. Napoléon Bonaparte a pris un décret stipulerfestlegenstipulant que les écoles doivent suivre les principes de l’Église catholique. gewandttournées vers les l'enseignement (m)das Unterrichtenenseignements alternatifs comme les écoles bilingues, Montessori ou Waldorf, ou encore adaptées aux élèves en difficulté scolaire. Despite the differences on economic, social, and other issues among the Republican radicals with whom Jules Ferry identified, they were united by the desire to obtain a secular republic[7] due to the growing popularity of anti-clericalism since the Revolution and notably during the Third Republic. eine Sache entziehenprivés de sacrement par le le curéder Pfarrercuré de leur la paroissedie Pfarrgemeindeparoisse. Although the Republican party is often credited for inventing the concept of free primary school, it was, in fact, a series of progressive improvements since mid-century. Cette loi est le fruit d’un idéal qui se proposerbeabsichtigense propose de fonder les bases d’une société démocratique par l’égalité de l’éducation. Primary education is compulsory for children of both sexes between the ages of six to thirteen years and may be given either in institutions of primary or secondary schools, in public or free schools, or in the home, by the father himself or anyone he chooses. The measures of sections 18 and 44 of the Act of March 15, 1850 are repealed, in that they gave ministers of religion a right of inspection, supervision and management in public and private elementary schools and in the kindergartens (salle d’asile), as well as paragraph 2 of Article 31 of the Act, which gives consistories the right to present teacher candidates belonging to non-Catholic faiths. Ferry ging unmittelbar nach seinem Regierungsantritt an die Verwirklichung dieses Anspruchs, bei der Frankreich sich in Konkurrenz mit Italien befand, und schuf 1881 das französische Protektorat Tunesien. Failure to register, fifteen days before the beginning of school, on the part of parents and other responsible persons, allows him to automatically register the child in a public school and notify the person responsible. 13. Zum Shop. Wright, Gordon. Women and Schooling in France, 1815–1914. The term of office of members of the school board, appointed by the council under the second paragraph, lasts until the election of a new municipal council. September 2020 - 28. Dass die Kolonialpolitik mit Bismarck abgestimmt war, verringerte allgemein Ferrys Popularität. Their terms will always renewable. Darunter finden Sie das Transkript. Those who, from that age, have obtained the certificate of primary studies, will be exempt from remaining compulsory school time. Jules François Ferry (* 5. Er tat sich als Gegner des Zweiten Kaiserreiches hervor und war ab 1869 Parlamentsmitglied. Um die Jahreswende 1881/82 gab Ferry den Vorsitz des Kabinetts kurzzeitig an Léon Gambetta ab. August 2018 um 17:34 Uhr bearbeitet. This article explains the formation of school boards, national representation in Paris and Lyon, and the terms of office of the members. Ministerial orders, made at the request of the school inspectors and department councils, will determine each year the commune where, as a result of inadequate school facilities, the requirements of Articles 4 and following the obligation could not be enforced. Lois et décrets (version papier numérisée) PDF - 12,6 Mo Retourner en haut de la page LOI DITE "JULES FERRY" ET "BERT PAUL" Loi du 16 juin 1881 ETABLISSANT LA GRATUITE ABSOLUE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT PRIMAIRE DANS LES ECOLES PUBLIQUES. Bereits auf dem Berliner Kongress von 1878 hatten die europäischen Mächte Frankreich die Übernahme Tunesiens aus den Resten des zerfallenden Osmanischen Reiches in Aussicht gestellt. Comme les familles pauvres n’ont ni les le moyendas Mittelmoyens ni l’obligation d’envoyer leurs enfants à l’école, elles préfèrent les faire travailler. In examining the girls, the certificated person shall be a woman. However, in each of these systems, the Catholic Church provided an alternative to secular schooling that was often the only option for families in economically depressed regions of France. This article discusses further requirements of the parents or guardians in maintaining their child’s attendance, regulated by the student records kept by the municipal school boards. Nov. 2020 . Sa loi a trois objectifs : rendre l’instruction obligatoire, laïque et gratuite. The directors and directresses must keep a register of attendance that notes, for each class, the absences of the students. To oversee the school board, therefore, was the central government (see Article 7 below). This article discusses the parent or guardian’s duty in the situation of excessive absences of their child. Newark: University of Delaware Press, Barnard, H.C.. Education and the French Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969), Gemie, S. (1995). A stratification of responsibility begins to take shape: first, parents were to have the primary responsibility over the education of their children. The Radical Bourgeoisie: The Ligue de l’enseignement and the Origins of the Third Republic 1866–1885 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982). mehr. Für das nach diesem benannte Kriegsschiff siehe, ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jules_Ferry&oldid=180328126, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Ferry, Jules François (vollständiger Name). The families living near to two or more public schools have the option to enroll their children in either of these schools, whether within or outside the territory of their commune, unless they already have the maximum number of students permitted by the regulations. Beaucoup d’entre eux sont employerbeschäftigenemployés dans l'agriculture (f)die Landwirtschaftl’agriculture ou dans les mines, où leur petite taille favoriserbegünstigenfavorise l'accès (m)der Zugangl’accès aux la galerieder Schachtgaleries souvent étroit,eengétroites. In this case, a notice given verbally or in writing to the mayor or the teacher will suffice. europahafen@loui-jules.com. Avec l’arrivée de la Troisième République, en 1870, les valeurs républicaines sont à nouveau d’actualité. Eight days before classes begin, he gives to the directors of public and private schools the list of children who will attend their schools. In Afrika weitete derweil Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza weitgehend unabhängig von der Regierung das französische Territorium im Kongo aus. Cette loi va provoquer une réaction d’die Feindseligkeitl'hostilité (f)hostilité de l’Église qui ira jusqu’à parler d’« école du diable ». This article discusses penalties against a school director in the failure to abide by the preceding article. The school fund, established by Article 15 of the Act of April 10, 1867, will be established in all communes. The reasons for absence will be submitted to the school board. The exceptional circumstances invoked will be taken into consideration by the school board. En 1959, sous la présidence de Charles de Gaulle, l’âge de l’l'instruction (f) obligatoiredie Schulpflichtinstruction obligatoire est allonger deverlängern umallongé de trois ans, c’est-à-dire jusqu’à l'âge de 16 ans, ce qui est encore le cas aujourd’hui. If examination of the child is considered inadequate and no excuse is accepted by the jury, parents are required to send their child to a public or private school within a week of notification or to inform the mayor what school they have chosen. Ein Pfarrer appellierte an die Solidarität seiner Mitbürger. In case of dispute, and by request of either the mayor or the parents, the department council rules as the last resort. Jules François Ferry (* 5. The county council may impose the following penalties: 1) warning; 2) censorship; 3) suspension for not more than one month and in case of recurrence in the school year, for not more than three months. The idea of national government support for popular education and teacher training first became apparent as an important social and political issue during the French Revolution of 1789. A regulation will determine the means of ensuring primary education for deaf, mute, and blind. "[8], The 1698 attempt would not have held sway with the Republican radicals of Ferry's generation, who would have seen it as Catholic propaganda and as a defense against the growing popularity of Protestantism. This article discusses repeated occurrences of the preceding offenses. In dieser Zeit befasste er sich vor allem mit der französischen Innenpolitik. When a child leaves school, parents or persons responsible must immediately give notice to the mayor and indicate how the child will receive instruction in the future. Die bittere Kälte des Winters 1954 forderte Todesopfer unter den Ärmsten der Bevölkerung. France in Modern Times. April 1832 in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges; † 17. À la fin de sa la scolaritédie Schulzeitscolarité, l’élève reçoit un « certificat d’étude » qui garantit une connaissance de base en l'orthographe (f)die Rechtschreibungorthographe, mathématiques, les sciences (f/pl) naturellesdie Naturwissenschaftensciences naturelles, histoire et géographie de France. Elle a comme origine les l'aspiration (f)die Bestrebungaspirations de la Révolution française, qui voulait développer une éducation « vraiment nationale, vraiment républicaine, également et efficacement commun,efür die Gemeinschaft effizientefficacement commune à tous », comme le rappelle le Plan d’éducation nationale de 1793, défendu,everteidigtdéfendu par Robespierre. [4] Meanwhile, the Catholic Church still remained highly involved within primary education. März 1893 in Paris) war ein französischer Ministerpräsident und Minister in der Dritten Republik. Section 463 of the same code is applicable. The educational reforms enacted by Jules Ferr… New York: Norton, 1987 p. 246. Zu seinen innenpolitischen Leistungen zählte noch 1880 die Einführung des unentgeltlichen und verpflichtenden Grundschulbesuchs. Ce mois-ci, ce sera le 28 mars 1882, le jour où la loi Jules Ferry rend l'enseignement (m) primaireder Grundschulunterrichtl’enseignement primaire laïquelaizistischlaïque, gratuit et obligatoire. In communes where the subsidy does not exceed 30 francs, the fund will be entitled, on the appropriation for this purpose at the Ministry of Education, a grant at least equal to the amount of municipal subsidies. Darüber hinaus drängte er den Einfluss der Jesuiten auf das Schulsystem zurück, organisierte die Lehrerausbildung neu und ließ die erste staatliche Mädchenschule einrichten. Le caractère obligatoire de l'enseignement ne fait qu'entériner un mouvement de scolarisation de masse déjà commencé. These exemptions should, if they exceed fifteen days, be subject to the approval of the primary inspector. The school inspector invites those responsible for the child to comply with the law and makes them aware of the provisions of Article 12 below. The Act of March 15, 1850, referred to at the end of the article, is the Falloux Act. Fr. Termine. Jules Ferry est considéré comme le père de l’école laïque en France, même si le terrain pour une telle réforme avait été préparé avant lui. Unsere Redakteure haben es uns zur Mission gemacht, Ware jeder Art ausführlichst auf Herz und Nieren zu überprüfen, damit Sie als Kunde ohne Probleme den Louis suits ausfindig machen können, den Sie zuhause möchten. Soon, however, he made a name for himself The primary inspector is ex officio member of all school boards established within his jurisdiction. The educational reforms enacted by Jules Ferry are often attributed to a broader anti-clerical campaign in France. In Ferry's view, schools would educate on political doctrine and the virtues of nationalism, emphasizing independent thought. Les écoles privées sont en général catholiques, mais également être tourné,e vers qczu etw. Februar 2021 . Staffordshire: Keele University Press, Auspitz, Katherine. In the wake of the Industrial Revolution and its new practices of employment and work days, the radicals also "hoped that schooling would make workers as reasonable and self-satisfied as it was credited with making the bourgeoisie. Herzlich Willkommen hier. Mit dem Audio-Player können Sie sich den Text anhören. Als 1884 ein Kolonialkrieg mit China ausbrach, war der Rückhalt der Regierung vollkommen zerrüttet. Après la Révolution, c’est l’Église qui se trouver en charge deverantwortlich sein fürse trouve de nouveau se trouver en charge deverantwortlich sein füren charge de l’éducation des enfants comme c’était le cas depuis le Moyen Âge. Et le le terrainder Boden; hier: der Zeitpunktterrain est donc particulièrement favorablegünstigfavorable pour la loi Jules Ferry qui va tout changer. In some areas, like Bretagne Ouest, it reached nearly 200% (197.2%).[2]. März 1893 in Paris) war ein französischer Ministerpräsident und Minister in der Dritten Republik . Women Teachers and Popular Education in Nineteenth-Century France. There shall be established a certificate of primary studies; it is awarded after a public examination which may be presented to children beginning from the age of eleven. L’instruction religieuse est supprimerabschaffensupprimée dans les écoles publiques et remplacée par l'instruction (f) civiquedie Gemeinschaftskundel’instruction civique. DIFFICILE Les lois Jules Ferry sur l'école. Celle-ci contrôle également les l'instituteur (m)der Grundschullehrerinstituteurs laïques et entendrebeabsichtigenentend garder la maîtrise sur l’éducation des jeunes Français. In den folgenden Jahren konzentrierte er sich auf die Eroberung Tonkins. Dieser Artikel behandelt den französischen Politiker Jules Ferry. Cette instruction peut être donnée en France dans des l'établissement (m)die Einrichtungétablissements publics ou privés, ou encore à la maison. La loi Goblet du 30 octobre 1886 parachève les lois Jules Ferry en confiant à un personnel exclusivement laïque l'enseignement dans les écoles publiques, remplaçant les instituteurs congrégationnistes. Il faudra malheureusement une la centaineetwa hundertcentaine d’années avant que ces idées généreuses soient appliquerumsetzenappliquées. At the end of each month, they will address to the mayor and the primary inspector a copy of the register, indicating the number of absences and reasons. [Bernard George; Georges Conchon; Francis Girod; Olivier Duhamel; Jean-Noël Jeanneney; Robert Baccherini; Jean-Luc Mélenchon; Jack Lang; François Bayrou; et al] Dans l'immédiat, les lois scolaires de Jules Ferry apportent peu de changements. Inkl. Religious education is optional in private schools. Der Untergang der Medusa war die größte Schiffskatastrophe des 19. März 1885 stürzte das Parlament die Regierung Ferrys. The school board may grant to children living with their parents or guardians, when they make a reasoned request, exemptions from school attendance that may not exceed three months per year except holidays. Jules Ferry rentre en France en 1873, épouse Eugénie Risler en 1875 et devient franc-maçon la même année. French education during the 19th century was marked by two distinct and segregated systems, the first being a secondary school system and the second a primary school system. Mayors, then, as presidents of the local school boards, were to oversee that parents followed through with this responsibility. The school board may also, with the approval of the department council, exempt children employed in industry, once arrived at the age of apprenticeship, of one of the two classes of the day; the same opportunity will be given to all children employed, outside their families, in agriculture. 30. This article discusses the procedures for changing schools and/or the manner in which education is received. Heimat. Jules Ferry, French statesman of the early Third Republic, notable both for his anticlerical education policy and for his success in extending the French colonial empire. Dans notre rubrique Histoire du mois, nous revenons sur un épisode marquant de l’histoire de France, qui avoir lieustattfindena eu lieu au cours du mois correspondre àentsprechencorrespondant à celui de notre programme audio. C’est un faroucheerbittertfarouche républicain ennemifeindlich gesinntennemi de l’empire et de toute forme de monarchie. September 1880 sein erstes Kabinett als Ministerpräsident bildete, wandte er sich jedoch vor allem der Kolonialpolitik zu. RSS-Feeds, Outlook- und iCal-Kalender abonnieren oder die mobile App für Smartphones nutzen und immer auf dem Laufenden bleiben. [5] The Falloux Laws of March 15, 1850 abolished teacher training programs for men which had been put in place by the Guizot Law. April 1832 in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges; † 17. Jules Ferry lui-même. The public primary schools will hold one day free, apart from Sunday, allowing parents to give, if they wish, their children a religious education outside from school buildings. Barnard, H.C.. Education and the French Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969). 17 % des élèves sont inscrits dans des établissements privés en France, soit un peu plus de deux millions d’enfants. This article discusses further annulment of portions of the Falloux Laws regarding religious authority. Mais en 1905, la la séparationdie Trennungséparation de l’Église et de l’État est définitivement officialiseranerkennenofficialisée. [3] Prominent politicians, such as Talleyrand and Condorcet, each proposed a national system of education that would provide every citizen with basic primary education. In Paris and Lyon, there is a school board for each municipal district. I like it! Das Floß der Medusa von Théodore Géricault zählt zu den berühmtesten Gemälden der französischen Romantik. Ferry war von Beruf Jurist und gehörte dem linken republikanischen Lager an. The same shall apply to persons who have not complied with the requirements of Article 9. This article addresses school funding provided by the laws passed on April 10, 1867 by Victor Duruy. Que s’est-il passé entre-temps, et quelle est la situation de l’enseignement au moment où la loi Jules Ferry est voterverabschiedenvotée? Welche Kriterien es vorm Bestellen Ihres Louis suits zu beurteilen gibt! Jules Ferry, a lawyer holding the office of Minister of Public Instruction in the 1880s, is widely credited for creating the modern Republican school (l'école républicaine). These provisions do not apply to children who accompany their parents or guardians when they absent themselves temporarily from the town. An annual report, sent to the Congress by the Minister of Education, will give the list of communes to which this section has been applied. In case of failure to appear without accepted justification, the school board will apply the penalty set out in the following article. The father, guardian, person having custody of the child, the boss with whom the child is placed, shall, at least fifteen days before the time classes begin, advise the mayor of the town if the child is to be given education in the family or in a public or private school; in the latter two cases, he will indicate the chosen school. These laws created a mixed system in which some primary education establishments were public and controlled by the state and others were under the supervision of Catholic congregations. This article makes compulsory primary education and lays down the requirements of age and manner of instruction (whether they will be schooled in the home or at a public or private institution). This article addresses the results of the failure of a school or schools within a commune to comply with Article 4; mandating compulsory primary education. Translation: Circé Saint Louis, University of Minnesota, 2010. A duplicate of these lists is sent by him to the primary inspector. The only known legitimate reasons are: child's illness, death of a family member, incapacity resulting from accidental difficulty of communications. This article regulates the option of a religious education, which differs between public and private institutions. This article discusses the assessment of students instructed by their families through public examinations. In cases of recurrence within twelve months after the first offense, the municipal school board shall order the posting for fifteen days or a month, at the door of city hall, the surnames, first names, and qualifications of the person responsible, stating the offense made out against the person. Overall, between 1837 (44 years before the Jules Ferry Laws were passed) and 1906, the number of schools had increased by more than 100%. La loi Jules Ferry Im Jahr 1882 trat das loi Jules Ferry in Kraft, das französischen Kindern kostenlosen und laizistischen Grundschulunterricht zusichert. Any private school director who will have not complied with the requirements of the preceding article shall, on the report of the school board and primary inspector, remand to the county council. This article discusses the graduation of students after they have completed the appropriate amount of primary education, determined by a public examination. Each year the mayor shall prepare, in consultation with the municipal school board, the list of all children aged between six and thirteen years and is to notify those persons who are responsible for these children at the time classes begin. Jules Ferry, a lawyer holding the office of Minister of Public Instruction in the 1880s, is widely credited for creating the modern Republican school (l'école républicaine). The dual system of state and church schools that were largely staffed by religious officials was replaced by state schools and lay school teachers. This now removes church officials from these positions. [6] Although the concept of universal public schooling was important to these revolutionaries, it became clear that financial issues and political debate thwarted the implementation. Heimat; Aktuelles; BOUTIQUE CULINAIRE; Speisekarten; Reservierung; Kontakt; Sofort online reservieren. Le 15 mars 1879, Jules Ferry a déposé deux projets de loi : une réforme du Conseil supérieur de l’instruction publique et un aménagement substantiel de l’enseignement supérieur. 6). The Jules Ferry Laws are a set of French laws which established free education in 1881, then mandatory and laic (secular) education in 1882. The Jules Ferry Laws are a set of French laws which established free education in 1881, then mandatory and laic (secular) education in 1882. When a child misses school temporarily, parents or persons responsible should inform the director or the directress the reasons for this absence. Get this from a library! Holen Sie sich das französische Lebensgefühl nach Hause. It is chaired, in Paris, by the mayor, in Lyon, by assistants; it is composed of one delegate appointed by the cantonal inspector of schools, with members appointed by the council, numbering three to seven by each district. This article outlines policy regarding school absences. With the intention of strengthening France's politics and armed forces, a growing concentration on higher education was later seen after the Revolution, notably from Napoleon I in his establishment of the Imperial University in 1804-8. Son idée était l’égalité sociale, la liberté de conscience et la séparation entre l’État et l’église. Mais cette situation n’est pas tenablehaltbartenable. Am 30. Er tat sich als Gegner des Zweiten Kaiserreiches hervor und war ab 1869 Parlamentsmitglied. [11][12], Barnard, H.C.. Education and the French Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1969), Donald N. Baker and Patrick J. Harrigan, The Making of Frenchmen: Current Directions in the History of Education in France, 1679–1979 (Ontario: Historical Reflections Press, 1980), 143–205, Quartararo, A. Auf dem Laufenden. August 1789 beschloss die Nationalversammlung die Ablösung der Feudalrechte der Grundherren. Auch im Senegal vergrößerten französische Truppen die Kolonie. La loi concerne les enfants des deux sexes, de 6 à 13 ans – c’est important de le préciser, car jusqu’ici, l’école était majoritairementhauptsächlichmajoritairement réservée aux garçons. Ferry war von Beruf Jurist und gehörte dem linken republikanischen Lager an. Dann nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit und stellen Sie sich Ihr optimales Abo ganz nach Ihren Wünschen zusammen. This article outlines what is to be included in a free, mandatory, and laic education system. En 1850, les villages de plus de 800 habitants doivent avoir leur école, mais elles sont encore payantes, et l’enseignement n’est pas obligatoire. The Examination Board shall consist of: the primary inspector or his delegate, president; a cantonal delegate; a person holding a university degree or a certificate of competency; the judges will be selected by the school inspector. Mitte der 1880er Jahre stand Ferry zunehmend unter politischem Druck. The offense will be considered as a contravention resulting in penalties by the police in accordance with Articles 479, 480 and the following of the Penal Code. The Guizot Laws passed in 1833 obliged all communes to open boys’ schools. Verbessern Sie dabei ganz leicht und mit Genuss Ihr Französisch: Einfach besser Französisch lernen: Ob Lese- oder Hörverständnis, Grammatik oder Wortschatz – mit dem Sprachmagazin, dem Übungsheft, Ihr Französisch-Hörtraining als Download, App oder CD. For example, in 1698, it was decreed that children ages 7–14 were to attend local Catholic schools with certified instructors, which were also added to areas that previously had none. Additionally, the laws protected the wages of teachers by mandating that "salaries... may never under any circumstances become inferior to the salaries they have enjoyed during the three years preceding the application of the present law..." (Art. It consists of the mayor, president; a cantonal delegate and, in common with several townships, as many delegates as there are townships, designated by the school inspector; with members appointed by the department council in equal numbers, at most, to one third of the members of this council. Au moment où Jules Ferry élaborerausarbeitenélabore cette loi, il est ministre de l’Instruction publique et des Beaux-Arts, et président du Sénat. Ferry pursued his father’s profession of law and was called to the Paris bar in 1855. Donald N. Baker and Patrick J. Harrigan, The Making of Frenchmen: Current Directions in the History of Education in France, 1679–1979 (Ontario: Historical Reflections Press, 1980), 143–205.