She is nevertheless a complex character -- numbed, but still eager for experience, and with little patience for the bullshit of those her age -- some, but not much. Despite otherwise doing well academically, the loss of her brother -- vanishing from the family's life -- devastated her, and she retreated completely within herself, edging close to anorexia and not even thinking of continuing her studies. Una produzione Quad e Kissfilms che sarà venduta da Gaumont, Jean Dujardin, Noémie Merlant e Mélanie Laurent protagonisti di questa produzione Curiosa Films venduta nel mondo da StudioCanal, Il regista riunisce nel cast Kad Merad, Kacey Mottet-Klein e Sylvie Testud. C’est un film incandescent, qui laisse au spectateur un souvenir brûlant, que le générique de fin ne parvient pas à effacer de la mémoire. Despite being two years younger, he was always the older brother; he even finished high school before she did -- skipping a grade where she repeated two. who) she had been looking for. Trying to meet all your book preview and review needs. Le réalisateur dissèque également les mensonges, les silences, les souffrances de l’adolescence comme l’anorexie dont la jeune femme est atteinte suite à la disparition de son frère jumeau. En effet, le manque de communication, la peur d’exprimer ses sentiments d’amour sont à l’origine de bon nombre de névroses familiales. His coming projects for 2005-2006 include the next films of Philippe Lioret (Je Vais Bien, Ne T 'en Fai s Pas… --, she perked up a bit, and took a job as a supermarket cashier and moved to Paris -- to Loïc's favorite neighborhood. Phuc Duong, 24 ans , actuellement agent de cinéma dans ma ville. Adattamento dall'omonimo romanzo di Olivier Adam. Please note that these ratings solely represent the complete review's biased interpretation and subjective opinion of the actual reviews and do not claim to accurately reflect or represent the views of the reviewers. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux articles. Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Google. Now, in late summer 1998, Claire looks at the postmark of the latest card -- Portbail -- and makes a plan: she takes some time off from work and plans to head there -- while telling her parents that she is going on vacation elsewhere. Paroles de la chanson Je Vais Bien, Ne T'en Fais Pas par U-turn (lili) Lili,take another walk out of your fake world please put all the drugs out of your hand you'll see that you can breathe without no back up so much stuff you've got to understand for every step in any walk Mes critiques sont diverses et je vous ferai connaître toute l'actualité du cinéma que je suis attentivement. -. pubblicitaria), Wallimage sostiene Philippe Lioret, Katell Quillévéré e Olivier Babinet, Abbiamo parlato con Nermin Hamzagić, in concorso al Festival di Zagabria con, Abbiamo parlato con Sascha Keilholz e Frédéric Jaeger, il nuovo direttore e il responsabile del programma dell'International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg, che si svolge online, Abbiamo parlato con il nuovo direttore artistico del Festival dei Popoli di Firenze, Alessandro Stellino, della prossima edizione che si terrà interamente online dal 15 al 22 novembre, Giona A. Nazzaro ci parla della sua nuova nomina in quanto Direttore artistico del Locarno Film Festival, Miglior attore non protagonista(Kad Merad), migliore attrice emergente (Mélanie Laurent). ( Déconnexion /  Claire isn't asocial, and goes out repeatedly, but the men she meets or begins to get involved with aren't an impressive bunch, their interest ultimately fairly shallow (and sex first and foremost on their minds). Claire is reasonably satisfied with her life, and her job. Claire isn't entirely a victim, but she is taken advantage of, and occasionally harassed. Le film parvient néanmoins à entretenir tout le long un suspense intelligemment dosé avec une fin assez inattendue pour le spectateur n’ayant pas lu le livre. Contattaci | Logo e banner | Change privacy settings, Mission | Struttura | Partner | Staff | Partecipa | Donazioni | Termini e condizioni, (L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. Passano settimane senza notizie e Lili sempre più preoccupata si lascia andare, rifiuta di mangiare e viene ricoverata in ospedale. U-turn (lili) Je Vais Bien, Ne T'en Fais Pas Lyrics. Ce n’est pas mon cas puisque j’avais beaucoup aimé le livre donc j’étais très curieux de découvrir son adaptation cinématographique. Le scénario est basé sur une histoire de famille assez classique. Benvenuti sulla piattaforma dove i professionisti possono incontrarsi e scambiare informazioni e idee. ( Déconnexion /  Mes critiques sont diverses et naviguent entre comédies romantiques, blockbusters, films indépendants et découvertes de films. Comme elle rentre de vacances, Lili, 19 ans, apprend par ses parents que Loïc, son frère jumeau, suite à une violente dispute avec son père, a quitté la maison. He doesn't go into what he might be doing; he's merely offering a ... sign of life, at regular intervals. Just when you think you know what's going on in it and what to think of the film, the rug is pulled out from under you! Entrez vos coordonnées ci-dessous ou cliquez sur une icône pour vous connecter: Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte If the resolution isn't entirely satisfactorily pulled off and the class-differences-issues are treated a bit too simply (as is far too common in contemporary French novels ...), the novel is still quite successful -- and Adam very good at portraying Claire's condition, all along the way. Von dem aus man sich alles erfinden konnte." Cineuropa è il primo portale europeo dedicato al cinema e all'audiovisivo in quattro lingue. Main | the New | the Best | the Rest | Review Index | Links, "Adams kurze, gewohnt pathosarme Sätze fangen ein wenig klingende Wärme ein. Le reste du casting est aussi éblouissant avec des seconds rôles bien sentis avec Julien Boisselier, Aïssa Maïga et Isabelle Renauld. Quello che scoprirà la renderà più comprensiva e farà di lei una donna. Et vous, l’avez-vous vu ? She has no greater ambitions, and she is put off by the superior tones and would-be knowledgeable talk of those her age. ( Déconnexion /  Genau das tut Adam: Er gibt dem Nicht-Ort seine literarische Heimat und zeigt sich erneut auf der Höhe seines Könnens." by This film was a 2007 César Nominee in several important categories. Cinéphile, dévoreur de films/séries, et blogueur à mes heures perdues, je vous emmène dans mon univers fait de comédie, de mystère et de magie du septième art.. They come from all over, rarely more than a few in a row from the same place, as Loïc apparently wanders endlessly around France. © 2019 the complete review The resolution sees her finally on the cusp of the kind of relationship she needs; it also reveals what became of Loïc -- making Claire's entire story all the more melancholy. Database dei film del Mediterraneo del sud, Percorso guidato alla scrittura di un lungometraggio. Una produzione Fin Août venduta da Le Pacte, Anche Niels Schneider e Fabrizio Rongione nel cast del film di Vanja d’Alcantara, prodotto da Need Productions e Blue Monday, Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter per ricevere le più importanti notizie del giorno o della settimana sul cinema europeo, I film europei in lizza per la corsa agli Oscar, Il ministero della Cultura danese stanzia €12 milioni per sostenere il settore audiovisivo, Rizoma giunge con entusiasmo alla sua ottava edizione, Festival di Zagabria e LUX Audience Award discutono le misure di sostegno istituzionale durante la pandemia, Sin señas particulares conquista il Golden Alexander di Salonicco, Spanish Screenings–Málaga de Cine prevede un'edizione di successo, Hello di Stephan Komandarev premiato agli Arras Days, L'European Short Pitch assegna i suoi premi, Quo Vadis, Aida? film Je vais bien ne t’en fais pas. Il fondo di investimento regionale vallone sostiene 6 nuovi progetti e 19 progetti già sostenuti in passato con una dotazione aggiuntiva di quasi 1,6 milioni di euro, 10/07/2020 | Produzione | Finanziamenti | Belgio, Kad Merad, Marina Hands, Laurent Stocker, Patrick Pineau e Sofian Khammes nel cast. She puts her plan into action, and slowly circles Portbail before venturing in. Ici, c’est Mélanie Laurent est remarquable, son César du meilleur espoir féminin est entièrement justifié puisqu’on ressent toute sa détresse. The postcards she receives, now regularly two or three a month, give her hope. Le rythme est assez étouffant pendant 1h40 et c’est ce qui fait la force de ce long-métrage. Her loving parents try to be supportive, but don't entirely know how to help Claire; they do put a lot of effort into it. Lili, 19 anni, di ritorno dalle vacanze, scopre che Loïc, suo fratello gemello, se ne è andato di casa dopo una violenta lite col padre. Still, it's quite deftly handled, touching rather than maudlin. The complete review's Review: [Note: this review is based on the German translaton of Je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas, by Carina von Enzenberg, Keine Sorge, mir geht's gut (2007), which is the edition I happened to get my hands on. Una produzione Mizar Films venduta da UGC, Il nuovo film del regista di Welcome è interpretato da Pierre Deladonchamps e Gabriel Arcand. The new film by the director of Welcome stars Pierre Deladonchamps and Gabriel Arcand, is produced by Fin Août and is sold by Le Pacte . Kad Merad est vraiment surprenant et excellent dans son premier registre dramatique et a mérité son premier César. ( Déconnexion /  Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Twitter. The narrative proceeds quickly, in very short sentences and simple description -- effective both in presenting Claire's life and state of mind. Cette histoire retranscrit de façon assez subtile le mal-être que peuvent parfois ressentir les jeunes. Una produzione Agat Films che sarà venduta da mk2, 27/09/2019 | Produzione | Finanziamenti | Francia, Niels Schneider e Adèle Exarchopoulos sono protagonisti del primo lungometraggio della regista, guidato da Fin Août Production e che sarà venduto da Pyramide, Kad Merad, Alban Ivanov, Céline Sallette, Sabrina Ouazani e Laure Calamy nel cast. Changer ). Loïc ne lui donnant pas de nouvelles, Lili finit par se persuader qu’il lui … Always very close, it's like a part of her is missing. But she does find more answers. Je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas centers on Claire [whose name was changed to: 'Lili' for the movie version; she is also Lili in the German translation], still in her early twenties but at sea for the past two years, ever since her younger brother Loïc 'left' -- a sudden but complete disappearance whose nature is long left very vague. Je Vais Bien, Ne T'en Fais Pas lyrics performed by U-turn (lili): Lili,take another walk out of your fake world please put all the drugs out of your hand you'll see that you can breathe without no back up so much stuff you've got to understand Claire remains obsessed with Loïc. Am Ende bietet die Leere des Verlusts der mutiger werdenden Lili eine ungeahnte Chance: "Dieser nichtssagende Ort. incoronato dalla giuria dell'Arras Film Festival, L'industria cinematografica europea affronta la seconda ondata di coronavirus. Comme elle rentre de vacances, Lili (Mélanie Laurent), 19 ans, apprend par ses parents que Loïc, son frère jumeau, suite à une violente dispute avec son père (Kad Merad), a quitté la maison.Loïc ne lui donnant pas de nouvelles, Lili finit par se persuader qu’il lui est arrivé quelque chose et part à sa recherche.Ce qu’elle va découvrir dépasse l’entendement. Algunos de sus proyectos para 2005-2006 incluyen las últimas obras de Philippe Lioret (Je Vais Bien, Ne T'en Fais Pas) y Michel Ocelot (Azur et Asmar). (One off-key note in the novel comes when one admirer physically assaults an (admittedly obnoxious) man hitting on her and she a bit too readily and easily swoons for this white knight.) Un film guidato da Moteur S’il Vous Plaît e Fin Août Production, Guillaume Canet e Mélanie Laurent nel cast di un film girato in sei giorni e prodotto da Nord-Ouest Films, L'attore è affiancato da Samir Guesmi e Renély nel cast del primo lungometraggio del cineasta. Loïc addresses his correspondence to Claire alone, not their parents. Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Facebook. We acknowledge (and remind and warn you) that they may, in fact, be entirely unrepresentative of the actual reviews by any other measure. Apparently an argument between father Paul and him led to his essentially running away. And Nadia's efforts to introduce Claire to her circle don't work out well; Claire doesn't feel like she fits in -- and she doesn't really want to, either. Qui riceve una lettera dal fratello in cui le dice che si sta arrangiando con lavoretti e che ritiene loro padre responsabile della loro misera esistenza che ha deciso di rifiutare per sempre. Con news quotidiane, interviste, database, inchieste approfondite sull'industria dell'audiovisivo, Cineuropa promuove l'industria del film europeo nel mondo. Pour conclure, « Je vais bien, ne t’en fais pas » est un film qui bouscule les apparences, à la fois poignant, intense, et sombre qui s’achève sur une lumière en demie teinte, à la fois sublime et terrifiante, le tout porté par une mise en scène et une interprétation réussies. With the arrival of a first letter from the missing brother -- a life sign ! Occasionally, Adam seems to be trying too hard in his (over)validation of Claire's simple, routine life, but he does quite a bit of this very well as well (there's some overlap with Murata Sayaka's Convenience Store Woman here). Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires. She is friends with a fellow cashier, Nadia -- but Nadia is at university, just working over the summer to earn some cash. Avec elle, il s’égare, s’étonne, se perd, se révolte, souffre et reprend vie. Pour conclure, « Je vais bien, ne t’en fais pas » est un film qui bouscule les apparences, à la fois poignant, intense, et sombre qui s’achève sur une lumière en demie teinte, à la fois sublime et terrifiante, le tout porté par une mise en scène et une interprétation réussies. Qu’en avez-vous pensé ? Je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas Philippe Lioret prouve par ailleurs une nouvelle fois qu’il est un excellent directeur d’acteurs et qu’il a un bon flair pour mettre en lumière les jeunes acteurs. She is not entirely disappointed in her undertaking, though she doesn't find what (i.e. Je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas (I'm Fine, Don't Worry), Director Philippe Lioret. Similarly the illustrative quotes chosen here are merely those the complete review subjectively believes represent the tenor and judgment of the review as a whole. Rassicurata, Lili si ristabilisce, esce dall'ospedale e parte alla ricerca di Loïc. Elle aborde aussi habilement les difficultés de communication qui peuvent parfois s’installer entre les parents et leurs enfants. And Loïc and his fate still dominate her thoughts. Repeatedly shown as vulnerable, her determination is nevertheless only briefly interrupted; she is sure enough of herself to continue on her own path. Olivier Adam, general information | review summaries | our review | links | about the author. Voir tous les articles par Phuc Duong. Dès les premières secondes, dans cette foule oppressante, j’ai épousé le point de vue de la jeune Lili, le spectateur observe ses angoisses et ses frayeurs jusqu’à l’étouffement.