The number of Ibn Taymiyyah's teachers exceeds two hundred. "[191] They have based their understanding on the original manuscript in the Al-Zahiriyah Library, and the transmission by Ibn Taymiyyah's student Ibn Muflih. A judge from the city of Wasit, Iraq, requested that Ibn Taymiyyah write a book on creed. James Pavlin, for example, has argued: "Ibn Taymiyya remains one of the most controversial Islamic thinkers today because of his supposed influence on many fundamentalist movements. Abandoning it means losing entirely or partially both kinds of happiness. Ibn Taymiyyah left a considerable body of work, ranging from 350 according to his student Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya[221] to 500 according to his student al-Dhahabi. Al-‘Aqeedah Al- Wasitiyya ranslation Version Book $ Lasaan Al Qur’an. [53], Various concepts within modern Islamism can be attributed to Ibn Taymiyyah. To this end he opposed the celebration of the observance of the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad or the construction of mosques around the tombs of Muslim saints saying: "Many of them (the Muslims) do not even know of the Christian origins of these practices. [40] Anything regarding God's attributes which people have no knowledge of, should be approached in a manner, according to Ibn Taymiyyah, where the mystery of the unknown is left to God (called tafwid) and the Muslims submit themselves to the word of God and the Prophet (called taslim). [53][137] He said that to assess the utility of something, the criteria for benefit and harm should come from the Qur'an and sunnah, a criterion which he also applied to the establishment of a correct analogy. [40][42][54] This is seen by some to be the peak of his scholarly career. [150] Hassan has shown that Ibn Taymiyyah considered the Caliphate that was under the Rashidun Caliphs; Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali, as the moral and legal ideal. "[147][148], Ibn Taymiyyah supported giving broad powers to the state. [213], However, some recent scholarship has argued that attempts by Salafis and Jihadis to portray the figure of Ibn Taymiyyah as being a direct classical precursor of their own beliefs are flawed inasmuch as they are often borne, according to these same scholars, of a limited reading of the theologian's substantial corpus of works,[21] many of which have not yet been translated from the original Arabic. Read the Arabic from here: .. 7From the Book: Sharh (Explanation of) Aqeedatul Wasitiyyah (arabic). 0000006852 00000 n [56][57] At that particular time Ash'arites held prominent positions within the Islamic scholarly community in both Syria and Egypt, and they held a certain position on the divine attributes of God. [90] His most famous students were Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya and Ibn Kathir. An analysis of polemical reactions to Ibn Taymīyah in the first half of the fourteenth century can be found in Caterina Bori, Ibn Taymiyya: una vita esemplare: analisi delle fonti classiche della sua biografia, Supplemento [208], However, he also advocated a policy of "fair prices" and "fair profits", with the implication that anything higher would be impious. 0000005766 00000 n He gathered the qualities of knowledge, piety, wasitiyyyah and intellect. [180], The mutakallimun are scholars who engage in ilm al-Kalam (rationalist theology) and they were criticised by Ibn Taymiyyah for their use of rationalist theology and philosophy. 2 Diseases Of The Hearts And Their Cures. [29][53] Yahya Michot says that some of these incidences included: "shaving children's heads", leading "an anti-debauchery campaign in brothels and taverns", hitting an atheist before his public execution, destroying what was thought to be a sacred rock in a mosque, attacking astrologers and obliging "deviant Sufi Shaykhs to make public acts of contrition and to adhere to the Sunnah. It contains an explanation (Tafsir) of all the Surahs of the Qur’an in a distinct... Beautiful edition in which several writings of Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah concerning the exegesis of Sura al-Fatiha, with some additional annotations. In arguing against taqlid, he said the salaf, who in order to better understand and live according to the commands of God, had to make ijtihad using the scriptural sources. Although drawing inspiration from Ash‘arī thinkers like Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 604/1209),4 Ibn [36] Despite the fact that public opinion was very much on Ibn Taymiyyah's side,[42] the Governor of Syria attempted to resolve the situation by asking Assaf to accept Islam in return for his life, to which he agreed. His reign, marked by economical and political unrest, only lasted a year. Ibn Taymiyah discussed in this huge work of 'Ilm al-Kalam, Aqeedah and Tawheed. Regarding the power of supply and demand, Ibn Taymiyyah said, "If desire for goods increases while its availability decreases, its price rises. He was eloquent in his writing and refuting the people of desires. [21] Moreover, these scholars also point out that Ibn Taymiyyah had a deep reverence and appreciation for the works of such major Sufi saints as Junayd, Sahl al-Tustari, Abu Talib al-Makki, and even Bayazid Bastami,[21] and was part of the Qadiriyya Sufi order himself.[3][4][5][6]. 2008, pp. In the pre-modern era, Ibn Taymiyyah was considered a controversial figure within Sunni Islam and had a number of critics during his life and in the centuries thereafter. Sharh al-Qawaid al-Fiqhiyyah By Shaykh Ahmad al-Zarqa, 6. [90] He said that the method of kalam was used by the Mu`tazilites, Jahmites and Ash`ari's. [40] His study of jurisprudence was not limited to the Hanbali tradition but he also learnt the other schools of jurisprudence. [80], Ibn Taymiyyah referred to prison as "a divine blessing". Ibn Taymiyyah] is a zealous adversary of Greek philosophy, Judaism, and Christianity. Au cours de sa vie, il étudie de nombreux ouvrages, dont L'acquis des connaissances (Mohassal) de Fakhr ad-Dîn Râzî[7]. Il affirme que Dieu a créé le monde par un acte de « Sa volonté » et que la révélation prophétique n'est rien d'autre que l'expression de cette volonté. Caterina Bori. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages religieux. 0000003566 00000 n Studia Islamica, no. – Ibn Taymiyyah, as quoted by Daniel Pipes (1992). The first invasion took place between December 1299 and April 1300 due to the military campaign by the Mamluks against the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia who were allied with the Mongols. Ibn Taymiyyah continued to face troubles for his views which were found to be at odds with those of his contemporaries. So, it is a comprehensive scientific collection that covers all fields of knowledge, whether that be in the area of ', So, whoever reads this great book will - if Allah Wills - come out with an intellect that is safe from doubts and misguidance, firm opinion, and great knowledge that he can benefit from and benefit others with...", 1. à confirmer] et se montre ailleurs plus indulgent envers ceux qui ont sincèrement œuvré mais se sont trompés. [40] In his view, a person could not ask anyone other than God for help except on the Day of Judgement when intercession in his view would be possible. Il en est ainsi, par exemple, de prétendre que le passage « II est dans le ciel » signifie littéralement que la voûte céleste Le porte et L'ombrage. It is upon the rectifying callers to act upon this. By way of inciting the Muslims against them, he pointed to the Mongol invasion which had just swept over Syria, asserting that the visitation was in part due to the laxity of his co-religionists. Ibn Taymiyyah's (ابن تيمية) name is unusual in that it is derived from a female member of his family as opposed to a male member, which was the normal custom at the time and still is now. [61] Despite the open meeting, objections regarding his creed continued and he was summoned to the Citadel in Cairo for a munazara (legal debate), which took place on 8 April 1306. [134][135] Work by John F. Sowa have, for example, have used Ibn Taymiyyah's model of analogy. [40][124] After careful study of this book, he was cleared of those charges. Selon notre auteur, les premiers enseignent qu’il est dans l’intérêt (maslaha) de la foule que l’on s’adresse à elle de sorte qu’elle s’imagine que les choses sont ainsi, même si c’est un mensonge ; auquel cas, ce serait un mensonge dans l’intérêt de la foule, puisqu’il n’existerait d’autres moyens pour la guider vers le chemin du salut que celui de l’instruire par le biais de symboles[38]. Ainsi, il met en doute la conversion à l'islam de ces derniers et de leur chef Mahmud Ghazan Khan[10], les accusant de maintenir leur droit coutumier[11], et de pactiser avec les royaumes chrétiens[10]. [143] Ibn Taymiyyah stated that the Arabic nouns within the scriptural sources have been divided by the fuqaha (Islamic jurists) into three categories; those that are defined by the shari'a, those defined by philology (lugha) and finally those that are defined by social custom (`urf). In his text On the Necessity of the Straight Path (kitab iqtida al-sirat al-mustaqim) he preached that the beginning of Muslim life was the point at which "a perfect dissimilarity with the non-Muslims has been achieved." It is reported that none of the scholars said anything to the Khan except Ibn Taymiyyah who said: You claim that you are Muslim and you have with you Mu'adhdhins, Muftis, Imams and Shaykhs but you invaded us and reached our country for what? 0000037883 00000 n As for the Fire, then the jinn and humans will enter it according to the texts and the consensus. [194], Ibn Taymiyyah issued a fatwa prohibited Muslims to participate and greeting Christians on their religious events and celebrations or to imitate them, he said in Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa (2/488): "It is not permissible for the Muslims to imitate them [ Christians ] in any way that is unique to their festivals, whether it be food, clothes, bathing, lighting fires or refraining from usual work or worship, and so on. Bon connaisseur des écrits d'Avicenne et très critique à l'égard des philosophes, Ibn Taymiyya s'est donné pour mission le rejet de leurs thèses. En effet, les versets du Coran décrivant Allah comme étant établi au-dessus de son trône font partie des exemples qui ont été au cœur de nombreux débats entre théologiens musulmans de l'époque. For example, the chief judge of Damascus, Taqi al-Din al-Subki stated that, "It is proper to entreat and ask for the help and intercession of the Prophet ﷺ with God. Ibn Mouflih, théologien reconnu, a étudié les comportements et caractères louables tirés du Coran et de la Sunna ainsi que les interprétations d'autres théologiens et juristes, notamment des savants du hanbalisme[49]. [38] Before its destruction by the Mongols, Harran was also well known since the early days of Islam for its Hanbali school and tradition,[39] to which Ibn Taymiyyah's family belonged. With bonus 2 Risalah of the Sheikh, one on the rules concerning Asma wa... A famous text of Usul al-Fiqh of the Maliki school, written by Imam ibn Jouzay (741H). Certains L'ont adoré et Lui ont obéi, d'autres pas[17]. If God's creativity were not perpetual, God would have been devoid of His creativity, as well as other attributes of perfection, in pre-eternity. These groups have engulfed the Ummah and enmity has occurred between them. His grandfather, Abu al-Ba… Is genetically modified Islam (GMI) carcinogenic?" As are the organizations for calling, etc. [40][42], In 1298, Ibn Taymiyyah wrote an explanation of the ayat al-mutashabihat (the unclear verses of the Qur'an) called Al-`Aqidat al-Hamawiyat al-Kubra (The creed of the great people of Hama). He never married nor did he have a female companion, throughout his years. [40] In the contemporary world, he may be considered at the root of Wahhabism, the Senussi order and other later reformist movements. So, it is a comprehensive scientific collection that covers all fields of knowledge, whether that be in the area of 'Aqidah, Tawhid, Fiqh, Usul, Hadith, Tafsir, astronomy, logic, and debate, knowledge of various sects and denominations, medicine, the Arabic language, geography, history, spirituality, and much more. [32] In his efforts he was persecuted and imprisoned on six occasions[34] with the total time spent inside prison coming to over six years. [50], Ibn Taymiyyah believed that the best role models for Islamic life were the first three generations of Islam (Salaf); which constitute Muhammad's companions, referred to in Arabic as Sahaba (first generation), followed by the generation of Muslims born after the death of Muhammad known as the Tabi'un (second generation) which is then followed lastly by the next generation after the Tabi'un known as Tabi' Al-Tabi'in (third generation). This book of Usool al-Fiqh is widely known and appreciated, it is written by the Great Scholar Muhammad al-Amin Ash-Shanqiti, author of the famous Tafseer Adwae al-Bayan. de Ibn Taymiya - ... Qawaa'id ul-Lughat il-'Arabiyyah est un manuel d'enseignement de la langue arabe simplifié. But you promised and broke your promise. 7, p. 72). Sharh Explanation of Aqeedatul Wasitiyyah arabicpublished by Darussalam, p. And the Muslims should unite as one group, as one nation. Dans sa Profession de foi (al-Aqida al-Wâsitiyya), il définit les étapes de l'après-vie : après la mort survient la « petite résurrection » ou châtiment de la tombe, suivie de la « grande résurrection » ou résurrection des corps et du jour du jugement[45]. [195], He also issued a fatwa to reduce to rubble Christian Churchs in Cairo. Aged 50, Ibn Taymiyyah returned to Damascus via Jerusalem on 28 February 1313. [41][40] Ibn Taymiyyah's family moved and settled in Damascus, Syria, which at the time was ruled by the Mamluk Sultanate. Read the Arabic from here: .. 7From the Book: Sharh (Explanation of) Aqeedatul Wasitiyyah (arabic). They have done greater harm to the community of Muhammad than have the warring infidels such as the Franks, the Turks, and others. -�E�SR��: x�M��. 5 Ibn Taymiyahs Essay on the Jinn. [68][40] Ibn Taymiyyah failed to convince the judges of his position and so was incarcerated for the charge of anthropomorphism on the recommendation of al-Hindi. Aux chiites, il conteste entre autres la théologie représentative, l'imamat, auquel il refuse l'autorité spirituelle et l'inspiration divine (ilhām)[42]. [36][40] Ibn Taymiyyah thought of the Alawites as "more heritical yet than Jews and Christians",[58] (بالنصيرية هم وسائر أصناف القرامطة الباطنية أكفر من اليهود والنصارى ; بل وأكفر من كثير من المشركين),[59] and according to Carole Hillenbrand, the confrontation with the Alawites resulted because they "were accused of collaboration with Christians and Mongols. When he was thirty, he was offered the office of Chief Justice, but refused, as he could not persuade himself to follow the limitations imposed by the authorities. [111][112] The Hanafi-Maturidi scholar 'Ala' al-Din al-Bukhari said that anyone that gives Ibn Taymiyya the title Shaykh al-Islām is a disbeliever. This book written by Abu Abdillah ar-Ra'ini al-Hatab (902-954H) is as its name suggests a complement to the great classic al-Ajroumiyah. Les musulmans désobéissants qui commettent des grands péchés ne sont pas des mécréants selon Ibn Taymiyya : « Pour le groupe qui sera sauvé, la religion et la foi sont des paroles que formule le cœur et prononce la langue, et des actes qui procèdent du cœur, de la langue et des membres. Aspirant à concilier raison et révélation, Ibn Taymiyya est attaché à la doctrine du « juste milieu » (Wâsitiyya)[47],[48]. [151] He asserted that martyrdom and eternal rewards and blessings, . [64] Ibn Taymiyyah also spoke to and encouraged the Governor of Damascus, al-Afram, to achieve victory over the Mongols. [88][89], Several of Ibn Taymiyyah's students became scholars in their own right. [40] Around the same time the Shia theologian Al-Hilli, who had played a crucial role in the Mongol ruler's decision to make Shi'ism the state religion of Persia,[72][73] wrote the book Minhaj al-Karamah (The Way of Charisma'),[29] which dealt with the Shia doctrine of the Imamate and also served as a refutation of the Sunni doctrine of the caliphate. It is obligatory to kill their scholars and religious figures so that they do not misguide others",[199] which in that setting would have legitimized violence against them as apostates. 103-104. Muhalla li Ibn Hazm Al-andalusi, Tahqiq Ahmad Mohammad Shakir, 10. Al-Sayful Maslul Ala Man Sabba Ar-Rasul By Imam Subki, Arabic, 5. [90], Ibn Taymiyyah's attempts to focus attention onto Qur'anic rationality was taken up by his student Ibn Qayyim, to the exception of his other followers. His grave alone was left untouched after the Arab demolition teams "insisted" that his grave "was too holy to touch." [53] Ibn Taymiyyah however, stayed and was one of the leaders of the resistance inside Damascus and he went to speak directly to the Ilkhan, Mahmud Ghazan, and his vizier Rashid al-Din Tabib. [40] The hearing were overseen by the Viceroy of Syria, Tankiz. Signalons également qu’Ibn Taymiyya est l’auteur d’un commentaire du Kitāb futūḥ al-ġayb du soufi ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Ğīlānī[30]. souhaitée]. "Anyone who disagreed was an apostate, he added, whose corpse ought not to be washed or given a decent burial."[129]. There is, though, no process of canonization or veneration of icons, which is strongly condemned in Islam as violations of the basic monotheism. Al-Irshaad ila Saheeh al-I'tiqaad - shaykh... Al-Bayan al-Tafsili bi Sharh Aqidah Abi Bakr... Sharh at-Tadmuriah li Ibn Taymiyyah - Shaykh... Fatawa fi al-Aqeedah - Sheikh Al-Uthaymin (2... Jaami ar-Rasaail - 10 epistles by shaykh... Sharh al-Aqeeda at-Tahawiyyah li ibn Abil-'Izz... Sharh Kashf ash-Shubuhaat by shaykh al-Fawzaan. This view was also vigorously rejected by mainstream Sunni scholars. L'exégète et historien Ibn Kathîr est l'auteur du célèbre tafsir de référence. He was also a renowned scholar of Islam whose influence was felt not only during his lifetime but extended through the centuries until the present day. Because of this, he reasoned they were living in a state of jahiliyyah, or pre-Islamic pagan ignorance. [35] The scholars suggested that he accept that his creed was simply that of the Hanbalites and offered this as a way out of the charge. Because this rips apart our unity, destroys our strength, and splits our cohesiveness, and emboldens the enemy against us. Using your site means your agree to our use of cookies. "[51], Ibn Taymiyya is said to have "spent a lifetime objecting to tomb veneration, only to cast a more powerful posthumous spell than any of his Sufi contemporaries. "Ibn Taymiyya's 'New Mardin Fatwa'. No man nor jinn has penetrated their hymens through sexual intercourse before them. ' is a book that is great insignificance, full of benefits, and covers many issues and discussions that are useful in the life of the human being, as well as his Hereafter. The first we can characterize as uncouth, crude, foul-mouthed vermin to whom scholarly integrity is of no concern and for whom blatant lying is permissible, (even after being caught on many occasions). "[171] While Ibn Taymiyyah did indeed reject the veneration of saints who promulgated the Akbari doctrine of wahdat al-wajud, he never rejected the venerability of saints who belonged to all the other Sufi orders. "[176] The Hanafi hadith scholar Ali al-Qari stated that, "Amongst the Hanbalis, Ibn Taymiyya has gone to an extreme by prohibiting travelling to visit the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace"[177] Qastallani stated that "The Shaykh Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyya has abominable and odd statements on this issue to the effect that travelling to visit the Prophet is prohibited and is not a pious deed. We must unite upon the truth, upon the correct belief, upon good Islamic behavior. [19] He is known for his diplomatic involvement with Ilkhanid ruler Ghazan Khan and for his victorious achievement at the Battle of Marj al-Saffar which ended the Mongol invasions of the Levant. [29][213]), A second concept is making a declaration of apostasy (takfir) against a Muslim who does not obey Islam. L'introduction de son tafsir est reprise pratiquement mot à mot d'un écrit d'Ibn Taymiyya sur les principes de l'exégèse coranique. [172], Ibn Taymiyyah considered the visitation of the tombs of Prophets and saints as impermissible,[173] a blameworthy innovation[91][174] and comparable to worshiping something besides God (shirk). [187] He focused his criticisms to the similarity between Shia, Christians and Jews. [81] He was buried in Damascus, in Maqbara Sufiyya ("the cemetery of the Sufis"). [36] Ibn Taymiyyah's attitude towards his own rulers, was based on the actions of Muhammad's companions when they made an oath of allegiance to him as follows; "to obey within obedience to God, even if the one giving the order is unjust; to abstain from disputing the authority of those who exert it; and to speak out the truth, or take up its cause without fear in respect of God, of blame from anyone."[29]. [40] His students came from different backgrounds and belonged to various different schools (madhabs). In 1269, aged seven, Ibn Taymiyyah, left Harran together with his father and three brothers. In: Locating Hell in Islamic traditions", "IBN TAYMIYYA ON FUTOOH AL-GHAYB AND SUFISM", 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198240433.001.0001, "A Virulent Ideology in Mutation: Zarqawi Upstages Maqdisi", Greeting Christians on the occasion of their festivals, "PERPETUAL CREATIVITY IN THE PERFECTION OF GOD: IBN TAYMIYYA'S HADITH COMMENTARY ON GOD'S CREATION OF THIS WORLD", "A religious basis for violence misreads original principles",, Why Study...Ibn Taymiyya, with Jon Hoover, University of Nottingham, Abū Muḥrīz Jahm ibn Ṣafwān ar-Rāsibī as-Samarqāndī at-Tirmidhī, Abu’l-Hassan Muqātil ibn Sulaymān ibn Bashīr al-Azdī, Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm ibn Sayyār ibn Hāni’ an-Nazzām, Abū Alī Muḥāmmad ibn Abdi’l-Wahhāb ibn Sallām al-Jubbā'ī, Abū Uthmān Amr ibn Bhār ibn Māhbūb al-Jāhiz al-Kinānī, List of contemporary Muslim scholars of Islam, Abū Abdi’l-Lāh Ahmad ibn Abī Du'ad Faraj ibn Carīr ibn Mâlik al-Iyādī,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Articles to be expanded from February 2015, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TDVİA identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Ibn Abd al-Halim ibn Abd as-Salam ibn Abd Allah ibn al-Khidr ibn Muhammad ibn al-Khidr ibn Ibrahim ibn Ali ibn Abd Allah, Dar, Irfan Jameel.