Association des Parents d'Élèves du Lycée Condorcet, Sydney, Bilan APE 2014-15 activity report, projets 2015-16 projects, Elections 2014: message de campagne / message from the candidates, Nos valeurs et nos engagements / Our values and commitments, Compte rendus officiels / Official minutes, Présentation des instances du Lycée Condorcet, Assemblée Générale APE 18/10/2019 General Meeting, Assemblée Générale APE 26/09/2018 General Meeting, Assemblée Générale APE 20/09/2017 General Meeting, Assemblée Générale APE 23/09/2016 General Meeting, Assemblée Générale APE 18/09/2015 General Meeting, les épreuves du nouveau baccalauréat général, les épreuves du nouveau baccalauréat général OIB, CE mars 2019: compte-rendu / March 2019 Committee: debriefing, Compte-rendus informels / Informal reports, Lettres de notre fédération / Letters from our federation, Enseignement des langues / Teaching of languages. Claire, student at Lycée International, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Paris. Students preparing the OIB are required to study in international sections for the last two years of high school. Le bac avec OIB comprend exactement le même nombre d’épreuves mais en contrôle continu celles d’HG au coefficient 5 se transforment en épreuves d’HG en langue étrangère au coefficient 15, et celles de langue vivante A voient aussi leur coefficient tripler de 5 à 15, pour un total de coefficients qui passe de 100 à 120. Bac ES : Découvrez les coefficients des matières Retrouvez ici tous les coefficients de la série ES (économique et sociale), la nature des épreuves ainsi que leur durée. L’OIB (Option Internationale du Baccalauréat) n’est pas une option du baccalauréat apportant des points supplémentaires comme matière facultative, mais une section internationale. Th… Lists of international sections are updated yearly by ministerial order: Under an agreement with the French Ministry of Education, the CIEP is responsible for the organization of the training sessions designed for the teachers participating in the OIB. ES students prepare for careers in the social sciences, philosophy and other human sciences, management and business administration, economics and the law. Very informative. ☑ 30,000 Independent, state and special schools in our parent-friendly interactive directory ☑ Honest, opinionated and fearless independent reviews of over 1,000 schools 16 languages and cultures are represented with sections (Arabic, Brazilian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English - British and American - German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish). More information on international sections available on the French Ministry of Education portal. Bac OIB. It is worth noting that all Bac students, whatever their chosen stream, must sit a French language exam (which includes an oral exam) at the end of their first year… and a philosophy exam at the end of the second year. They all show intellectual and cultural flexibility. Naturally, as with the classic Bac, the choice of branch (or stream) will be informed by a student’s academic aptitude as well as by his or her university aspirations. In addition, the mainstream Bac history & geography syllabus (which all Bac students must study) is modified to reflect a different cultural bias, and combined with an element of domestic history and geography from “back home”. Candidat au bac ES 2020, il est recommandé de connaître précisément les coefficients de chaque matière afin d’organiser ses révisions de façon optimale. As with the straight Bac, OIB students choose one of three branches of study (“séries”): S (Maths and Sciences), ES (Economics, Maths and Social Sciences), L (Literature). As with the straight Bac, OIB students choose one of three branches of study (“séries”): S (Maths and Sciences), ES (Economics, Maths and Social Sciences), L (Literature). If you choose not to receive cookies, you may still use most of the features of our website. Il n’est pas autorisé de suivre à la fois la SI menant à l’OIB et aussi la spécialité de langue anglaise, c’est l’une ou l’autre. Modalités des épreuves. Natural sciences students must specialise either in maths, physics & chemistry or in the equivalent of biology, “earth & life sciences”. OIB students however, on top of following the same cursus as their mainstream French peers, also follow a two year syllabus in the language & literature of their country of origin. L stream students may be dismayed to learn that their programme will involve maths too, although it is combined with computer sciences, and carries a low coefficient. They are examined in French literature, plus usually two more languages (one of which is replaced, for OIB students, by the OIB language/literature component); they are spared physics and chemistry. Other important subjects in the ES stream are history, geography and maths. Educational insight in your inbox. Bac students already carry a heavy workload compared to their peers in the UK and the states, spending longer in the classroom and staying up later to complete their homework. Les coefficients de l’OIB 6 _____ Les sections internationales dans l’application 8 « Admission post-bac » (APB) _____ En savoir plus 9 _____ 2 - Les dossiers de l’enseignement scolaire Les Sections internationales Cette brochure a pour objectif de mieux faire connaître les sections L’intérêt de la SI réside plutôt dans le fait qu’elle résulte en gros à suivre l’équivalent d’une spécialité d’anglais en supplément aux 2 spécialités obligatoires. ☑ Independent tutor company reviews. The British Section OIB thus differs from the American Section OIB to the extent that the subjects concerned (language & literature, history & geography) are, to varying degrees, modelled on their own national curricula. Moving to France: recommended books, movies and links, Best schools in Paris, France considered by expats, Where to live in Paris, France: schools and neighbourhoods, Education in Paris and the Ile de France: an overview, Try before you buy - The Charter School Southwark, Oib the option internationale du baccalaurat explained. American Section OIB exams are administered by the College Entrance Examination Board (Advanced Placement Program) and the Franco-American Commission (Fullbright office) in Paris, in cooperation with the French Inspection Générale. Here are neighborhoods and arrondisments in Paris with best schools for each named. Ask any French adult if he looks back on his schooldays with warmth and affection, nine times out of ten the answer will be puzzled perplexity - that’s not what schools are for, they proclaim. Both the British Section and American Section OIBs are popular with academically-inclined bilingual students around Paris. The International Baccalaureate, created by the International Baccalaureate Office of Geneva, is a foreign diploma (which does not give automatic access to higher education in France). Students opting for the ES (Economics, Maths and Social Sciences) stream will follow a course of study more evenly spread between sciences and the humanities. The international options of the French Baccalauréat possess two important characteristics: • They have the same status and validity as all the mainstream Bac (Bac général); and. Les coefficients affectés aux matières spécifiques au Bac OIB sont particulièrement élevés. Standards are high. Coefficients bac 2021 par matière et série. Such is the bias in these exams that bi-cultural children who have more “French” in them than American or British, all other things being equal, may fare less well than their British-dominant or American-dominant counterparts. Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to prevent automatic acceptance. Which areas in Paris have the best schools? The S (Maths and Sciences) is generally recognised as the most demanding of the three streams, preparing students for work in medicine, engineering and the natural sciences. Needless to say, all these qualities are highly valued in universities everywhere. Rien à voir donc avec l’International Baccalaureate (IB), diplôme privé (« bac de Genève ») qui se tient ici en anglais pour toutes les matières sauf les langues étrangères mais existe aussi en français et en espagnol. These students will be headed towards careers in the humanities, education, linguistics, public service, the arts. Students in the L (Literature) stream will go deeper into philosophy and French language. The Good Schools Guide manifesto for parents, We recently paid a visit to @moorparkludlow Shropshire, an independent school for boys and girls aged 0-13. Les épreuves de l'OIB sont les mêmes que celle de la série choisie (S, ES ou L) sauf en langue et littérature étrangère (qui remplace la "LV1" pour les S et les ES) et dans la matière non littéraire de l'OIB (communément l'histoire/géographie, sauf pour l'OIB chinois).Ces matières ont des épreuves écrites spécifiques différentes de celles d'un bac non-OIB. They welcome French and Foreign students and offer them a bilingual and bicultural education as well as specific courses: 478 international sections in 284 schools and high schools in September 2016 (France or within the network for French schools abroad). En effet, savoir quelles sont les matières les plus importantes est important pour vous permettra de prioriser vos révisions tout au long de l’année et avant les épreuves de juin. Finally, all students are also examined in Physical Education, although with the lowest possible coefficient of 2 (two). Consequently, admissions tutors in France, Britain and the US often consider reducing the entrance requirements for OIB students as compared to students offering the straight Bac. In the course of their programme they gain good time management, research, project management and prioritising skills. The OIB is the French general Baccalaureate with an additional international option. Foreign language and literature in secondary and high school; History and geography in French in the other language in secondary and high school, taught partly in French and partly in the foreign language at secondary and high school levels; Mathematics taught in the Chinese section. The basic Bac général already covers more subjects than its American or British equivalents – most students preparing at least eight or nine subjects for examination. Students preparing the OIB are required to study in international sections for the last two years of high school. International sections are opened at all school levels: primary, secondary school or higher education in France and within the network of French schools abroad. Le bac sans OIB comprend 5 épreuves terminales, 6 matières qui font l’objet d’épreuves communes de contrôle continu (« E3C »), et tient compte des bulletins scolaires, pour un total de coefficients de 100. les épreuves du nouveau baccalauréat général OIB    (pdf 810KB). The OIB is the French general Baccalaureate with an additional international option. This is the only Bac stream which offers (and heavily weights) economics and social sciences. A variant on the French national Baccalauréat. Pour encore une fois ôter toute confusion, l’OIB est une variante du bac français dans laquelle une langue étrangère est surpondérée, le diplôme n’en demeure pas moins essentiellement francophone et reste le « bac » français avec une inscription qui précise cette option particulière. The UK and USA were among the first countries to take part in the OIB initiative, the relevant education authorities taking responsibility for creating and administering each “option”, in cooperation with their French counterparts. A noter que le contenu anglophone de l’OIB se situe donc à 30/120 soit un quart (plus quelques fractions dans le bulletin) alors que dans le bac sans cette option il est de 5% via la LV A plus 16% si la spécialité de langue étrangère est choisie en terminale (mais seulement 5% si elle a été suivie uniquement en 1ère), ce qui est finalement assez proche dans le cas de la spé de terminale. One important purpose was to ensure that foreign students would be in a position to return to their countries of origin for higher education if desired, whilst having also fulfilled the requirements of the French Bac. The International Option Baccalaureate should not be confused with the International Baccalaureate (IB), also called the Geneva Baccalaureate. Publié sur le site du CIEP (, French language, assessment and certifications, DILF - Diplôme initial de langue française, Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres, Books and CD-Roms dealing with assessment and certifications. Get a feel for it first: check out these movies, books and links before you go…all enthusiastically recommended by our editors and readers. OIB: coefficients aux épreuves du bac 28/03/2019 14/10/2020 admin Examens et post-bac / Exams and post-bac La section internationale (SI) de langue britannique qui ouvrira au LCS en 2nde à la rentrée d’août 2019 mènera ces élèves vers l’option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB) français. Not to be confused also with three other exams delivering a double degree: AbiBac (German Abitur and French Baccalaureate), Bachibac (Spanish Bachillerato and Baccalaureate) and Esabac (Italian Esame di Stato and Baccalaureate). As you would expect, the programmes in maths, chemistry and physics are exacting, and the corresponding papers are heavily weighted. Our site uses cookies to keep track of how often you visit our site, previous purchases and to deliver content specific to your interests. French international schools have been offering bi-cultural programmes of study for over forty years now. All students, even the scientists, learn to write organised, impactful and well-reasoned essays to a high standard. To compensate for the extra breadth of study, you might expect there to be less depth, but you would be wrong. It does, therefore, have the reputation of being one of the most thorough systems in the world. Cela signifie que toutes les notes sont prises en compte avec les coefficients suivants: A snapshot of international schools in Paris that are considered (although not necessarily chosen) by English-speaking expat parents, with the best visited and reviewed by The Good Schools Guide International. Naturally, as with the classic Bac, the choice of branch (or stream) will be informed by a student’s academic aptitude as well as by his or her university aspirations. Dedicated to education and to French language worldwide. All students, even the linguists, learn how to research a project that crosses disciplines. An explanation of the Paris educational scene and the complex system of bilingual, international, hybrid, state and private categories of schools. The site really is a great help to me." Moving to France? Examinations for the International Baccalaureate and French Baccalaureate are also different. La section internationale (SI) de langue britannique qui ouvrira au LCS en 2nde à la rentrée d’août 2019 mènera ces élèves vers l’option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB) français. Sign up for our popular newsletters. What is the International Option Baccalaureate? The exams weight the various papers in such a way as to stress the “Section” papers (ie language & literature, plus the modified history & geography): students who are basically bilingual but whose English is stronger than their French are thus heavily favoured. British Section OIB is jointly designed, set, marked and certified by the University of Cambridge International Examinations and the French Ministry of Education. Students able to succeed in this dual curriculum are renowned for being capable of hard work. • The “option” subjects are taught and examined in the relevant language, to a standard comparable to that of the equivalent examination in the home country (A levels in the UK, AP in the USA). [This is] a really great page! As the practice grew, so did the need for a formal framework to prescribe recognise the students’ attainment at the end of their school years. In 1981 the French government proposed that specially designed "international options" be added to the mainstream Bac. Variant selon la série, ils pèsent entre 33% (série S) et 38% (série ES et L) dans la note globale obtenue au bac alors que les épreuves « normales » représentent pour un bac non OIB entre 16% (série S) et 30% (série L et ES). I’ve been using it as a way to explain to my future American classmates what the program is, so thanks! Les coefficients des épreuves permettent de visualiser la différence entre bac avec ou sans OIB: les épreuves du nouveau baccalauréat général    (pdf 359KB). Not to be confused with the Geneva-based IBO’s International Baccalaureate (or IB): the OIB and the IB are worlds apart. ☑ Instant access to in-depth UK school reviews Avec la nouvelle version du bac, toutes les notes que vous obtiendrez en classe seront comptabilisées dans la moyenne finale du bac. Inflexible education, especially in reading, writing and arithmetic, describes the French education system.