In the US has very strong criminal laws against committing crimes with guns. The terms that gun rights and gun control advocates use to refer to opponents are part of the larger topic of gun politics. [7] In 2017, Americans bought 25.2 million guns, which is 2.5 million more guns than possessed by every law enforcement agency in the world put together. En savoir plus sur la façon dont les données de vos commentaires sont traitées. Si vous souhaitez soutenir mon travail vous pouvez faire un don en ligne via paypal, En savoir plus sur la façon dont les données de vos commentaires sont traitées, Follow Anglais pour le BAC on   Retour sur arguments avec élargissement et classification padlet (travail commun)   Internet : recherche d’informations  intérêt : comprendre que la fiabilité des sources sur internet est très variable (subjectivité, erreurs) ; aborder la « théorie du complot » sur la toile (11 septembre, attentats, terrorisme …) "Australian Gun Reformer: 'It's Time to Call Out the U.S.A. "American gun use is out of control. And while the Court said that this does not mean that all regulation is impossible = in other words, some reasonable regulation is possible – still, the right protects the basic right of individuals to own firearms, to keep them in their homes, even to carry them with them. He also noted that the US "is the only industrial nation in which the possession of rifles, shotguns, and handguns is lawfully prevalent among large numbers of its population". Survival depended upon everyone being capable of using a weapon. The gun controlers, those who want European type controls, they believe that the guns are the cause of many problems, and especially crime problems and of course massacres. • CE (recherche d’arguments sur le web) Some people think that the NRA is this evil organization that operates on its own to scare politicians. [14] Many action films continue to celebrate the gun toting hero in fantastical settings. Acquisition du vocabulaire lié à la thématique + connecteurs (first, then, however…), Objectifs culturels : For one thing, if you look at the States in the United States and you look at how the degree to which the population is armed in different states… you find there is no relationship between the level of gun ownership in a State and the crime problem in a State. I do not believe that there is a correlation between firearms density and homicide, or between firearms density and suicide in the United States. ( Déconnexion /    Enregistrement et montage vidéo (reportage tv) sur tablette (IMovie) [1], American attitudes on gun ownership date back to the American Revolutionary War, and also arise from traditions of hunting, militias, and frontier living.[2]. Accueil › Expression orale › Les 4 notions au BAC – définitions et idées pour les illustrer. Having guns is a constitutional right… that has several interpretations. The link between gun ownership and crime is disputed.   Les armes à feu aux USA (A2) The criminals get their firearms on the street from drugs dealers or other who sell firearms. / BAC Anglais LV1. Il s’agira de mener une réflexion autour des usages et des productions de contenus par l’élève – l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux dans un contexte scolaire notamment. Organiser son EO à l’aide d’une carte mentale, Mise en oeuvre : Le journal britannique The Guardian propose une série de douze documentaires, réalisés en partenariat avec la Bertha Foundation. Gun ownership in the United States is the highest in the world, and constitutionally protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.   Recherche d’informations sur internet sur des thèmes américains qui font débat [2], Closely related to the militia tradition was the frontier tradition with the need for a means of self-protection closely associated with the nineteenth century westward expansion and the American frontier. [3], The American hunting/sporting passion comes from a time when the United States was an agrarian, subsistence nation where hunting was a profession for some, an auxiliary source of food for some settlers, and also a deterrence to animal predators.   Réponse aux questions (fiche) et mise en commun In his 1970 article "America as a Gun Culture," historian Richard Hofstadter used the phrase "gun culture" to characterize America as having a long-held affection for guns, embracing and celebrating the association of guns and an overall heritage relating to guns. Places and Forms of Power – Oral de bac d’anglais. Your job is to watch the film Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore and study the second part of the document by Stuart Jeffries. 1.Myths and Heroes.   Réponse aux questions (fiche) et mise en commun I do not believe, at this point in our history, with 300 millions firearms in private hands, and a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and a political situation in which there is a very very small number of politicians who are willing to take a strong position on firearms, that there is a serious potential for regulatory controls. Quels peuvent être les apports de l’EMI dans le parcours citoyen de l’élève ? - Duration: 49:11. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires. that the very availability of guns, causes people, or at least facilitates people to get those guns and use them to commit crimes. ", "(In Portuguese) Vermont is the safest state in the U.S. and even 16 year olds can carry guns there", "(In Portuguese) US has 23 times more weapons. 8 décembre 2019 25 septembre 2020. M. ROY Thibaut, collège Léon Dautrement, 19500 MEYSSAC. And to, at this stage, create an effective regime of regulation and safety over those 300 millions of firearms seem to me an insurmountable challenge. Overall, there is 25 to 30 per cent fewer homicides now than in 1990 – and in New York City 75 per cent fewer homicides now than in 1990. Gun Nation: A Journey to the Heart of America's Gun Culture, Question d'actualité - La régulation des armes à feu aux États-Unis après la fusillade de Parkland, Radical Brownies documentary: berets, badges and social justice, Questions d'actualité : US Election Day (08/11/2016), Du « style national » à l’ambition universaliste : la politique étrangère des Etats-Unis selon le Gulliver Empêtré de Stanley Hoffmann - Compte-rendu de lecture, Immigration to the United States of America - Glossary, Nouvelle Gauche américaine dans les années soixante : de la radicalisation à la désintégration, A judge has delayed the extradition of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse until September 25. There is no magic bullet, if you can excuse the phrase, that will change American violence, but the good news is that it has been reduced substantially over the last 25 years...", Question d'actualité - La régulation des armes à feu aux États-Unis après la fusillade de Parkland,, Editor: Noah Payne Frank Guns in the USA Fiche: Guns in the USA. EMI & GUN CONTROL in the USA M. ROY Thibaut, collège Léon Dautrement, 19500 MEYSSAC. Gun Nation was awarded first prize in the World Press Photo Contest, the Alfred Eisenstaedt Award and the Visa d’or. 46, in 1788, that: Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. ( Déconnexion /  For many years there was a debate on the meaning of the Second Amendment. If a previously convicted person does violate that law, they are subjects to 10 years in prison. Entrez vos coordonnées ci-dessous ou cliquez sur une icône pour vous connecter: Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Firearms are widely used in the United States for self-defense, hunting, and recreational uses, such as target shooting. Aller au contenu. Organiser son argumentation (avec notamment des connecteurs), Productions élèves : | | Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux articles. The use of guns dates back to the colonization era and the right to bear arms is deeply rooted in American customs ( it was the heritage of the Wild West ). 7 talking about this. URL:, "I consider myself a gun control skeptic. As they cling to the notion of a centuries-old ‘right to bear arms’, Nelson seeks to understand why – despite the enormous death toll – there is such fierce resistance to gun control laws, particularly the debate about ownership of assault weapons. ),,, Enseigner la LV en passant par une langue inconnue, Mise en place de la phonétique corrective avec les TICE, Différenciation avec la BRNE cycle 4 : retour d’expérimentation, Développement durable et consommation responsable_Traam2016, Become an Art Critic (séquence fin cycle 4). So this current debate about gun violence ought to consider the fact that gun violence has gone down, and all violence has gone down, in the United States, to an amount that nobody imagined could happen over the last 25 years. News about shootings, weapons and the debate about America's gun culture. The article includes a video of Obama’s speech after the Umpqau Community College shooting, tables and explanations about the problem and a video showing how some American politicians go to extreme lengths to show their support for gun rights: Senator Ted Cruz (republican) cooking bacon with a machine gun (!) Consulté le 18/11/2020. Audio Memos “Guns are a symbol for a lot of people, and they mean different things. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Réinvestir apports, Objectifs méthodologiques : Americans own the most guns per person in the world, about four in 10 saying they either own a gun or live in a home with guns, according to a 2017 Pew Center study. [2], The militia spirit derives from an early American dependence on arms to protect themselves from foreign armies and hostile Native Americans. [24][25] Critics contrast the US reaction to terrorism given how few deaths it causes, with their high death rates from non-terror related gun crime. [19][20][21] Some gun owners embrace the term affectionately. Today, hunting survives as a central sentimental component of a gun culture as a way to control animal populations across the country, regardless of modern trends away from subsistence hunting and rural living. ( Déconnexion /    Hiérarchiser leurs idées sur les armes à feu et le contexte américain The gun owners believe the opposite ; they believe that guns deter crime, that if criminals know that the civilian population is armed, or that many people are armed, there will be less burglary, less armed robbery, fewer rapes, and people will be safer. Hierarchiser infos Elle a été réalisée dans le cadre des Traam 2015/2016 sur la thématique suivante : « Il s’agit de produire des scénarios pédagogiques en langues vivantes qui présentent une réflexion sur la culture numérique et intègrent une éducation aux médias et à l’information.   Tablettes : créer son propre journal tv subjectif/objectif  intérêt : mieux prendre conscience de la subjectivité que l’on peut mettre dans un article / reportage en prenant en main soi-même la création d’un reportage, Visionnage des vidéos et recherche web Padlet Entraînement en vue de l'épreuve de compréhension de l'oral Consulté le 18/11/2020. Anticiper écoute I think the symbol to some Americans is of tradition, of family, of history. Navigateur Prior to the American Revolution there was neither budget nor manpower nor government desire to maintain a full-time army.   Adresse URL pour un document multimédia, Objectifs linguistiques : Padlet, Audio Memos, Padlet, Audio Memos, Mise en oeuvre : Here is an excellent article about gun violence in the USA – a topic which is very much in the news at that the moment and that can be used to illustrate the notion « Places and forms of power ». I do not believe, at this point in our history, with 300 millions firearms in private hands, and a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and a political situation in which there is a very very small number of politicians who are willing to take a strong position on firearms, that there is a serious potential for regulatory controls. I don’t think that will happen. There are 300 millions estimated firearms in private hands in the United States, one for every man, woman and child living in the United States. La révolution américaine et la constitution, Objectifs méthodologiques : I do not believe, at this point in our history, with 300 millions firearms in private hands, and a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and a political situation in which there is a very very small number of politicians who are willing to take a strong position on firearms, that there is a serious potential for regulatory controls. Tâches intermédiaires : création d’un reportage tv + mini-débats. Utilisation de reportages tv  intérêt : comprendre qu’un media peut-être subjectif donc toujours avoir un regard critique   Visionnage du 1er reportage par groupes (NBC News) : lien web depuis tablettes ( "I consider myself a gun control skeptic. EMI & GUN CONTROL in the USA (extrait de 0’30 When I came to America… à 3’26 A mass shooting in Australia since) - texte “Gun TV, an ill-timed home shopping network for guns, to hit television in 2016” ( & Wikipedia) Groupe 4 / Corpus E - Infographie Ameria’s Gun ulture in 6 harts - Article Gun TV - Article 6 statistics about Gun … Elle s’inscrit dans l’axe « Rencontre avec d’autres cultures » et permet une réflexion sur la vision américaine des armes à feu, un débat opposant les points de vue suivants : Mindomo, Mise en oeuvre : Here is an excerpt of the film which illustrate the second part of … Executive producers for the Guardian: Charlie Phillips and Christian Bennett Apport moyens langagiers : lexique, notions de contraintes (have to / must / can’t / forbidden / …, Objectifs culturels : Nelson’s two-decade-long rapport with his photographic subjects gives unique and intimate access to the minds of gun owners. The article includes a video of Obama’s speech after the Umpqau Community College shooting, tables and explanations about the problem and a video showing how some American politicians go to extreme lengths to show their support for gun rights: Senator Ted Cruz (republican) cooking bacon with a machine gun (! Commissioned by the Guardian and Bertha Foundation, "Gun Nation: A Journey to the Heart of America's Gun Culture", La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2016. Justifying the unique attitude toward gun ownership in the United States, James Madison wrote in Federalist No. In the 18 years since Zed Nelson’s seminal photography book Gun Nation was published, 500,000 Americans have been killed by firearms in the US and many more injured. [17] More recently, in 2008, the US Supreme Court affirmed that considerable freedom for individuals to possess firearms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment.[18]. We have had a tremendous reduction in violent crime, including gun crime, since 1990. The image of the lone cowboy was replaced in these combat films by stories that emphasized group efforts and the value of individual sacrifices for a larger cause, often featuring a group of men from diverse ethnic backgrounds who were thrown together, tested on the battlefield, and molded into a dedicated fighting unit.[13]. fmcpp • 24 Octobre 2016 • Fiche • 875 Mots (4 Pages) • 748 Vues. Moteur de recherche In popular literature, frontier adventure was most famously told by James Fenimore Cooper, who is credited by Petri Liukkonen with creating the archetype of an 18th-century frontiersman through such novels as The Last of the Mohicans (1826) and The Deerslayer (1840). Producer: Zed Nelson Maybe we have 10 000 firearms homicides a year : that sounds like a lot in the United States, with a large population where we have 300 millions firearms in private hands in the United States… The vast maojority of the people who own firearms never commit crimes with them.   Fixer contexte, vocabulaire (anticiper notamment difficultés à venir dans CO) "[5] U.S civilians own 393 million guns. "[7] Americans bought more than 2 million guns in May 2018, alone.