In La Reine Margot, chapter LXV: Les Ambassadeurs, Alexandre Dumas, père conjures up the coronation of Henri in Kraków, and his unhappiness at being king. [13], Huebner concludes his exploration of Le roi malgré lui by proposing that the collision of the traditions of opérette and opéra-comique results in "an explosion of pastiche, quotation, allusion, archaisms, dance rhythms of all kinds, Wagnerian chromaticisms, modernist parallel chords, patter singing", and for musical pleasure brackets Le roi malgré lui with Verdi's Falstaff. Saison 1. After two more performances, on 21 and 23 May, the Opéra-Comique theatre was ravaged by fire on 25 May, although the full score and orchestral parts were saved. Veuillez saisir les informations demandées, Le meilleur des séries TV US et internationales, Aucun resultat, veuillez modifier votre recherche. Gretta, une princesse de l'époque médiévale, reçoit un doux baisé de Dwight, un adolescent du 21e siècle, qui la sort de son sommeil profond de plus de mille ans. This page was last edited on 4 October 2020, at 12:03. [3], Around May 1883 Chabrier wrote to his publishers that for his next stage work he was hoping to create something like Offenbach's successful 'grand fantaisie' Le roi Carotte. Les princes et princesses de l'amour : qui sont les candidats de la saison 8 ? Le roi malgré lui (King in Spite of Himself or The reluctant king) is an opéra-comique in three acts by Emmanuel Chabrier of 1887 with an original libretto by Emile de Najac and Paul Burani. Ce mode permet d'optimiser le confort de lecture et de réduire la fatigue oculaire. Champion malgré lui Saison 2 : Episode 3/10 - Malchanceux en amour. [26], Broadly comic passages typical of operetta remain – especially the couplets for Fritelli – but the work by Richepin on both dialogue and lyrics improved the literary tone of the work. Alexina is still furious that Henri left her in Venice without a farewell but during the ensuing duet he gradually wins her round and their feelings are rekindled. Les ambigüités de la vie musicale. The new patch introduced the champion Nami, a new set of masteries, the removal, remake and addition of items, the removal of the summoner spells Surge and Promote, and the addition of Barrier to Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. Nangis, a friend of Henri, returns from the city, where he had been sent to drum up support for the future king. The opera was produced on 9 March 1892 in Toulouse under Armand Raynaud.[13]. The pre-season started on November 20, 2012. Minka's lone voice is heard off-stage, but as the curtain falls, Nangis manages to let slip his captors, jump out of a window and escape. Nombre total de saisons: 5 Nombre total d’épisodes: 42 Vue d’ensemble: Gretta une princesse médiévale reçoit enfin un doux baisé qui la sort de son sommeil. Alexina determines to take her place. The homesick king sings of his love for France, and says that he would do anything not to be king of Poland. Mary, Auguez de Montaland, Blanche Balanqué. Pour en savoir plus ou exercer vos droits, vous pouvez consulter nos conditions générales d'utilisation. At his home at La Membrolle, Chabrier would read the words out loud in order to find the tone and rhythm of each piece and only after having played around with the text for some time would take up his pen and start composing. Aimé Malgré Lui saison 4 Générique réal Didier Ndenga ... Plombier malgrés lui 1 - Duration: 1:18:16. Albert Łaski was a Polish courtier at the time of his brief reign. Radio broadcasts of the opera have included: First seen at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal on 19 September 1836. The original plan, around 1884, a light work in the style of L'étoile was reinvigorated by Carvalho in 1886, into something grander and more dramatic with greater love interest. Champion malgré lui Comedy. Henri de Valois (1551–1589) was the third son of Henri II and Catherine de Medicis. Champion malgré lui Saison 2 : Episode 3/10 - Malchanceux en amour. Season 2 noter plus facilement une liste d'épisodes (pour rattraper du retard sur une saison par exemple). Résumé . Demain nous appartient (spoilers) : le résumé en avance de l’épisode 799 du mercredi 18 novembre, Ici tout commence (spoilers) : le résumé en avance de l’épisode 13 du mercredi 18 novembre. Minka believes that Henri has become a traitor to the king but does not yet know his true identity. New jungle items have been added to the store and old jungle items have been adjusted. PhD diss. Alexina finally tells her that the king (Nangis) is murdered. Genre : Série - Aventures; Année : 2019; Avec : Caitlin Carmichael, Sloane Morgan Siegel, Joel McCrary, Gabe Casdorph, Evan Hofer, Cherie Julander... Résumé de l'Episode 3 : Petite boule de poils. PhD diss. Alexina returns and Henri, to be alone with her, hurriedly sends her husband away. [26] On the lighter side, musical parody occurs several times. Abonnez-vous au Nouvel Observateur. Comedy. She says she has changed sides and sent the Archduke back to Austria by telling him that the conspiracy has been discovered. $ 2,050,000 US Dollars are spread among the teams as seen below: Converted prizes calculated with values provided by on October 4, 2013, as follows: From Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki. … Malchanceux en amour - (S1E12) - Champion malgré lui : Dwight déplace sans le savoir un Kofewalt, provoquant un enchaînement de malchance. Season Three is the third ranked season in League of Legends. envoyer des messages privés à d'autres membres. Two orchestral extracts from the opera have from time to time found their way onto concert programmes and recordings : the Fête polonaise and the Danse slave. voir en temps réel les notes, appréciations et commentaires de vos amis, les nouvelles séries ajoutées, les audiences, publier son humeur, les nouvelles séries que débutent et arrêtent vos amis, les actus en rapport avec vos séries favorites. This article or section is under construction. [9] Chabrier noted on his copy of the libretto "manuscript by three authors and even by me", going on to describe the libretto as "a bouillabaisse of Najac and Burani, cooked by Richepin, into which I throw the spices". suivre toute l'activité en temps réel de mes séries et de mes amis dans mon gestionnaire de séries. Minka comes out of hiding, but she bumps into the king (whom she doesn't know). He carefully supervised the work of the librettists Paul Burani and Emile de Najac in adapting the Ancelot work. Informations . Loading... Unsubscribe from BANGUIWOOD TV? Conformément à la loi "Informatique et libertés" du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de modification et de suppression des données vous concernant. [7], An article by Theodore Massiac[8] described in some detail Chabrier's composition process for Le roi malgré lui. Bernard Demigny (Henri de Valois), Bernard Plantey (Comte de Nangis), Odile Pieti (Minka). She says she loves Monsieur Nangis but is worried that there is a plot against the king. Nangis reminds him that he has not always been so ill-disposed to the Poles; there was a certain lady Henri had known in Venice... Henri's fond memories are interrupted by the return of Fritelli, and it soon becomes apparent that the lady with whom Henri had a liaison in Venice soon became the wife of Fritelli in order to cover up the scandal of that affair. [2], Grove comments, "the brilliance of Chabrier’s music, often reminiscent of Berlioz and sometimes of Bizet, rests on a superbly crafted structure. Paulson, J. Vous êtes nouveau ? poster des résumés et des images sur les épisodes de mon choix mais également des photos d'acteurs. Quand elle se réveille rien n’est plus comme avant, le monde du 21e siècle lui réserve bien des surprises. LA série fiction fait son grand retour sur Canal J ! consulter des recommandations pour débuter de nouvelles séries basées sur vos goûts. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tweet. Henri assures Laski that there will be no problem is getting hold of the king - he will be here soon; all Henri needs is a few moments to arrange this. 2.1. Please be patient, as a recent editor is probably still in the process of committing changes to it. [11] The fourth performance was on 16 November in a revised version[12] at the Salle des Nations, where it had further performances up to 29 April 1888. Henri can hardly contain his delight, which increases more when she says that Fritelli is implicated. [25] Blom stated "we discover in it the germs of much that we have come to look upon as belonging essentially to French music of the [20th] century". [4] According to Victorin de Joncières, Chabrier had confided to him that he was looking for an amusing book to set. Although much criticized, the stage situations of Najac and Burani are "dexterously handled and reveal a sense of variety and climax". Gamepedia's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Musically Chabrier entirely ignores the sixteenth century environment of the plot. She wrote to Felix Mottl: "What vulgarity and lack of ideas. Henri, introducing himself to Basile as Nangis, sent in advance of the king, is stunned when he hears that he won't be able to complete his escape, as all the coaches were sent off to meet the Archduke, so he has to settle for a cart and an old nag, with a servant girl to show him the way. Make love, not war: Robert Maycock on Le Roi malgré lui at Edinburgh Festival. Report a problem × Share something about Champion malgré lui. Minka is mystified by all this until Nangis finally tells her who the real king is; and Henri is shortly brought back in, reconciled to becoming king and receiving the acclamation of the pages, lords and soldiers assembled. The pre-season started on November 20, 2012. [26], Early changes to the score after the first performance included removing Alexina's demanding air "Pour vous je suis ambitieuse" in Act 1[13] and re-casting a rondeau for Henri and Alexina in Act 3 as a duet for Fritelli and Alexina in Act 1. Alexina enters dressed as a servant girl and meets Henri; Fritelli hurries them on their way, content to be rid of his rival, but his pleasure is short-lived as he learns that the servant-girl was his wife, and rushes off in pursuit of them both. "Riddled Constructs: A Study of Musical Humour in Emmanuel Chabrier's Comic Operas." Minka tells Nangis that Alexina thinks the king has been killed. Sign in to Add favorite . Le grand bilan de l'année 2019 : séries, épisodes, membres ... Les meilleures séries en 2019 selon la rédaction de Spin-off, Il n'y a encore aucune note pour cette saison. Un adolescent d'aujourd'hui réveille une princesse médiévale. Kill Streaks and Death Streaks now accelerate faster by roughly 50%. [23] Harmonic progressions which were completely new in French music at the time, are used – most notably the use of unprepared and unresolved chords of the seventh and ninth, such as the very first chords of the Prelude. suivre les commentaires d'épisodes que j'ai déjà noté ou commenté. Fritelli arrives, and informs them that the new king will not be Henri but the Archduke of Austria. He was particularly critical of being supplied with mute syllables. Henri hears a coach approach outside and hides; it is Alexina who has arrived looking for her husband. Brian J. Adams In 1929 after a 41-year absence from the Opéra-Comique repertoire, Albert Carré revised the text, and a new version was performed there on 6 November to greater acclaim (the 50th performance at the theatre took place on 21 February 1937). They are interrupted first by Fritelli, then by Laski and the Poles who have come to swear in Henri as a conspirator. The premiere was on 18 May 1887 at the Opéra-Comique (Salle Favart) in Paris. The Season 3 World Championship is the conclusion of the third League of Legends competitive season. Abonnez-vous au Nouvel Observateur. Pourquoi créer un compte ? This was the second time a premiere run of one of Chabrier's operas had been disrupted - Gwendoline had closed when the theatre went bankrupt. Henri tells Nangis that they are resolved that the king leave Poland forthwith. Season Three is the third ranked season in League of Legends. Alone with Fritelli, Henri is astonished to discover for the first time that Alexina is married to Fritelli, but before he gets any further, Minka and other slave girls enter singing, during which the voice of the real Nangis (who should be under lock and key) is heard outside. They leave. Résumé . Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Share. His frenzy is cut short by the arrival of his wife, Alexina, who says that all is ready for Henri's departure: all Fritelli has to do is kidnap Henri and Laski's men will do the rest. Finally, Jean Richepin, an old friend of the composer, had a major part in helping provide Chabrier with a libretto he could feel happy with. Champion malgré lui Saison 1 - Épisode 3: Petite boule de poils. The Season 3 Championship took place October 4–6, 2013, at the Los Angeles convention center. Dwight déplace sans le savoir un Kofewalt, provoquant un enchaînement de malchance. Fritelli is mystified by Henri's enthusiasm for the archduke. Yoopa - Champion malgré lui - Season on with Caitlin Carmichael, Sloane Morgan Siegel and Joel McCrary. [24] The 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica declared it "one of the finest opéras comiques of modern times". Nangis – believing that she means the real king – drags her off to find him. Vous êtes bien inscrit(e) à la newsletter avec l'adresse : Les informations recueillies par ce formulaire font l'objet d'un traitement informatique à destination de Reworld Media Magazines et/ou ses partenaires et prestataires afin de pouvoir envoyer les bons plans et offres promotionnelles. She promises to return later that day, but as she is about to leave, the king himself arrives and Nangis only has time to hide her in an ante room. Chabrier confided to Lecocq that the score of Le Roi was much better orchestrated than Gwendoline (although this did not prevent Ravel proposing to Chabrier's sister-in-law, at the time of the 1929 revival, that he re-orchestrate the Fête polonaise).[13]. ajouter des acteurs/spectateurs (système d'amis) et suivre leur activité. ... Simon Cowell Has Ashley Marina Sing 3 Times! [14] There followed productions in Hamburg (17 April 1931), Brussels (16 May 1931) and Prague (27 August 1931). Gils Blas, (29 September 1886) quoted in Delage. Opera, July 1978, p706-08. She Stuns The Judges - … A marital squabble ensues, after which Fritelli tells Alexina that her beloved 'Nangis' is disfigured after his murder of the king. Report from Toulouse. Liste des épisodes, courbe des audiences, vidéos, notes, bilan, dvd de la série TV Dwight in Shining Armor (Champion malgré lui) saison 3 Scaling gold value based on time increased to 1 from 0. An inn between Krakow and the Polish frontier. French radio, 1969. Eric Blom wrote that the tragic fate of the opera was to be written a quarter of a century too soon. [2] However, the music has been greatly admired by composers including d'Indy, Ravel and Stravinsky. [2], The work is dedicated to Madame Victorin de Joncières. 1:18:16. The end of the pre-season and the official start of Season 3 Champion Series began on February 1, 2013. Tous les lundis, mon Télé Star chez moi. Fritelli, busy with preparations for the coronation, enters. Scaling difficulty and rewards of the primary jungle camps have been **significantly increased. When Minka has left, Henri sends for Fritelli, and after some initial resistance he confesses the plot to Henri and tells him all he wants to know. Their cries of 'long live the archduke' are echoed by a stranger who has entered: Henri, making his escape from Poland. In 1573, following the death of Sigismund II, Henri was elected King of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1. French nobles are idly waiting for news from Kraków. Alone, Henri summons Minka and tells her that Nangis must come at once. He pretends to Nangis that he does not know Laski, and, on learning of the king's continued homesickness cannot resist airing his views on the differences between the Poles and the French in a comic song. League of Legends Beschwörer Ranglisten, Statistiken, Fähigkeiten, Item-Builds, Champion Stats. "[1], Chabrier's music shows the evidence of the two paths of the composition, of both libretto and music – from opérette to opéra-comique. Maycock, Robert. Minion gold values now update more often on a 90-second interval instead of 180. Camp difficulty and rewards have been re-distributed more into the large monster in each camp. - Aventures, N'oubliez pas les paroles : les larmes des Maestros quand Nagui leur a annoncé le tournoi, Plus belle la vie : une actrice atteinte du Covid, remplacée numériquement dans la série, La Villa des cœurs brisés 6 : la diffusion de l'émission reportée en catastrophe, Famille, Claire Keim, engagement : les confidences de Bixente Lizarazu. The bonus gold added for multiple players participating in a kill has been reduced to 150% from 158%. Le roi malgré lui (King in Spite of Himself or The reluctant king) is an opéra-comique in three acts by Emmanuel Chabrier of 1887 with an original libretto by Emile de Najac and Paul Burani. Probably by the conductor Danbé (Delage R, p. 402). Le gestionnaire de séries en détail, à quoi ça sert ? © Prisma Média - Partenaire Plurimedia - Tous droits réservés, Will Smith dévoile le teaser des retrouvailles du casting du Prince de Bel-Air (VIDEO), Manifest (TF1) : Josh Dallas (Ben) révèle l'événement qui a complètement bouleversé sa vie. PARTAGER. Saison 1; Saison 2; Genre : Aventures Durée : 30 minutes Avec Caitlin Carmichael, Sloane Morgan Siegel, Joel McCrary Nationalité : Etats-Unis Année : 2019. #1 Seed from China, Korea, North America, and Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macao 3. Whenever jungle monsters switch targets it counts as a “leash” - the maximum amount of leashes after which jungle monsters will reset has been increased to 10 from 3. Group Stage: 3.1. When the dancing is over, the Duke and Duchess of Fritelli arrive and introduce a new conspirator as the Count de Nangis (in reality the king in disguise). Season Three patch changes began on December 4, 2012, with patch V1.0.0.152, almost four weeks after the release of patch V1.0.0.151.The new patch introduced the champion Nami, a new set of masteries, the removal, remake and addition of items, the removal of the summoner spells … Although the ordinary people had been well-disposed towards Henri, the nobility, led by Count Albert Laski, seemed to be joining together to oppose him and support the other claimant to the throne, the Archduke of Austria. After convincing her that he is not an apparition, the two join in an ecstatic duet. Minka arrives; Alexina is not able to tell her about the king's fate, and they join in a duet in which they worry about the fate of the men they love. Saison 1; Saison 2; Genre : Aventures Durée : 30 minutes Avec Caitlin Carmichael, Sloane Morgan Siegel, Joel McCrary Nationalité : Etats-Unis Année : 2019. University of British Columbia, 2011. Mots fléchés, mots croisés, sudoku, solitaire... jouez en ligne sur ! Team Rankings. Tweet. Psych : Enquêteur malgré lui saison 3 épisode 1 est disponible en intégralité VF et VOSTFR avec qualité Ultra HDTV et Blu-Ray 720p 1080p 4K. Yoopa - Champion malgré lui - Season on with Caitlin Carmichael, Joel McCrary and Sloane Morgan Siegel. All except the Duke of Fritelli, a Venetian living in Poland, who has managed to become Henri's chamberlain while remaining in league with Laski. Nangis is led away. Official Mac Client Trailer (2013) League of Legends, A Twist of Fate Cinematic - League of Legends, League of Legends Cinematic A Twist of Fate - Behind the Scenes, Season Three Cinematic - Behind the Scenes. Trumpets sound and the French courtiers assemble. The Polish people have elected a French noble, Henri de Valois, to become their king. Chabrier did not compose at the piano – melody and rhythm came first with harmony later. University of British Columbia. The innkeeper Basile and his staff are preparing to receive the new king of Poland. [26], Musically the most diverse role is that of Minka; from the romance-like shape of her Act 1 entrance solo "Hélas, à l'esclavage" by way of the roulades, chromaticism and wide leaps of her 'Chanson tzigane' in Act 2, to the powerful operatic duet in Act 3 with Nangis. [26] Paulson offers a comprehensive analysis of the music of the opera, arguing that these characteristics, among others, contribute to a sophisticated discourse of musical humour that operates on multiple structural and intertextual levels. Jungle monsters now attack the closest target rather than chasing their original target. Henri (as Nangis) tells them he is no longer Henri's friend but his greatest enemy. Minka calls him - and he shortly climbs in through a window and is immediately arrested. Enter the recipient's name. When Henri and Nangis leave, Fritelli is naturally more determined than ever to rid Poland of Henri. His Dark Materials (A la croisée des mondes) : où en était-on avant la saison 2 ? Convinced that Nangis has been killed, Minka sings a lament for her lover – only for him to enter at its climax. 14 teams participate 2. The opera is revived occasionally, but has not yet found a place in repertory.. Eric Blom wrote that the tragic fate of the opera was to be written a quarter of a century too soon. Aimé malgré lui. (en vous inscrivant via facebook vous acceptez les conditions générales d'utilisation consultables, Ce que la rédaction de Spin-off a retenu de la décennie 2010-2019, Grand bilan de la décennie 2010-2019 (meilleurs séries, épisodes et plus encore). Gretta et Baldric ajouter à la liste de "Ma sériethèque" les séries que je regarde, pouvoir les trier par état (Je veux la voir, En cours, En pause, Terminée ou Arrêtée), leur donner une appréciation globale (pas seulement par épisode), vous recevrez ensuite des notifications liées à vos séries en cours et le calendrier des séries s'adapte à vos séries en cours pour les mettre en avant. [27], The opera was not to the taste of Cosima Wagner, who attended an 1890 performance in Dresden. Les épisodes de Champion malgré lui. The German premiere was in Karlsruhe on 2 March 1890 under Felix Mottl who also led a performance on 5 March at Baden, and this was followed by productions in Dresden on 26 April 1890 under Ernst von Schuch, and in Cologne on 15 October 1891 under Julius Hofmann. Burani would send drafts of scenes and songs to de Najac who would send back comments and changes to Burani, and when, after some exchanges of correspondence de Najac was happy, he would send words to Chabrier to set to music. When the frightened Fritelli says he does not want glory - just a bit of affection, Alexina brushes his objections aside. Henri has Nangis arrested, so as to be able to use his identity to conspire against the king. The American stage premiere was on 18 November 1976 at the Juilliard, conducted by Manuel Rosenthal, with choreography by George Balanchine. [16] André Cluytens conducted a local premiere for Lyon on 25 February 1943, also conducting the work at the Opéra-Comique in 1947 with Roger Bourdin, Louis Musy and Jean Vieuille in the cast and in 1950 with Denise Duval joining the cast. This page was last edited on 27 August 2020, at 14:29. Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Duo de l'ouvreuse de l'Opéra-Comique et de l'employé du Bon Marché, List of compositions by Emmanuel Chabrier, Category:Compositions by Emmanuel Chabrier,é_lui&oldid=975234983, Opera world premieres at the Opéra-Comique, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Casts included Roger Bourdin as Henri de Valois, Yvonne Brothier as Minka and Vina Bovy as Alexina. However the mutation from opérette to opéra-comique gave Chabrier the chance to provide music of a serious harmonic intent, such as Minka and Alexina's nocturne in Act 3 (described by Huebner as "one of the most beautiful numbers in fin-de-siècle French opera"), which flows lyrically over a large harmonic canvas. To the horror of the conspirators he tells them that the only way to ensure that the king does not return is to kill him that very night. He never returned to Poland, and was assassinated in 1589. Runes have been renamed to be more representative of their actual function (e.g. Joncières had been sent Le roi malgré lui, an old vaudeville of 1836[5] written by Marguerite-Louise Virginie Ancelot (1792–1875), by Ancelot's daughter Mme Lachaud. Champion malgré lui: découvrez toutes les infos, les saisons et les diffusions de la série Champion malgré lui avec Télé Star Laski then orders Nangis and Minka to leave. League of Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. indiquer aux autres membres tous les épisodes que j'ai vu. Champion malgré lui. Example: A player with a 4 kill streak will be worth, Example: A player with a 4 death streak will be worth. Nangis is a small town around 60 km south-west of Paris. Everyone, including Minka, is convinced he is the king and behaves accordingly; Nangis himself is mystified until - in asides - Henri commands him to play the part, which he does with relish. Remaining ten teams are divided into two groups of five 3.2. [17] A 1978 production at the Capitole de Toulouse conducted by Plasson using the Carré edition[18] was subsequently broadcast on French television in 1979, with Michel Philippe, Georges Liccioni, Michel Trempont, Françoise Garner and Michèle Le Bris in the principal roles. Beliebtheit, Winrate, die besten Items und Spells. Paulson, Jennifer E.(2011) "Riddled Constructs: A Study of Musical Humour in Emmanuel Chabrier's Comic Operas." [6] However, Joncières passed the play to Chabrier, and also introduced Chabrier to Léon Carvalho, to whom Chabrier played some 'audition' pieces, which convinced the Opéra-Comique director to stage his work. Fritelli is astonished when Henri says that he too wishes to join the conspiracy; Fritelli is to introduce him to Laski as the Count de Nangis. Ambient gold gain increased to 16 per 10 seconds from 13 per 10 seconds - gold gained from farming lane minions and jungle monsters have been slightly reduced to compensate. PARTAGER. In : Myriam Chimènes (ed.) Amlink.TV 299,821 views. consulter la liste de mes contributions et proposer des actus. Fritelli is not happy and accuses her of changing sides so as to continue her Venetian affair in Poland. The ballroom of the palace of the Count Albert Laski. More recently, an Opéra de Lyon production of 2004 was adapted for a revival at the Opéra-Comique in April 2009. [22] Ravel claimed that "the premiere of Le roi malgré lui changed the course of French harmony". Double Round Robin 3.3. Leon Botstein led the American Symphony Orchestra in a concert version at Avery Fisher Hall in 2005, and in a fully staged production directed by Thaddeus Strassberger at Bard Summerscape in 2012, a co-production seen later that year at the Wexford Festival Opera.